RPG: ‘Achtung! Cthulhu’s Newest Campaign Takes You ‘Behind Enemy Lines’

Achtung! Cthulhu goes Behind Enemy Lines with a new six-mission campaign bundle. Explore the Secret War behind the scenes of WWII.
Achtung! Cthulhu combines the eldritch horror of Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos with the pulp action of WWII movies. The two mix together to create a blend of occult action. Spies and saboteurs face off against cultists and mad scientists. All set against the backdrop of WWII.
In Achtung! Cthulhu this is the Secret War. You can explore for yourself in a new bundle that gathers together the first five adventures released following the RPG’s launch. Additionally, you’ll get a capstone adventure for these, making for an epic, ready-to-run campaign. If you want to see what Achtung! Cthulhu is all about, Behind Enemy Lines is the perfect start.
Achtung! Cthulhu: Behind Enemy Lines – $30.06
This first Mission Dossier for Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 contains the first five adventures released following the RPG’s launch: Under the Gun, Operation Vanguard, Operation Falling Crystal, The Romanian Imperative, and Seventh-Innings Slaughter, plus a brand new, never-seen-before mission, Operation Eastbourne, specially written for this 160-page print compilation. You will also receive the complete PDF version immediately after placing your order.
Experience combat, espionage, infiltration, domestic threats, and supernatural terror, as your agents resist the Nazi occult forces, the foul sorcery of the Nazi Black Sun and the technological might of Nachtwölfe, and first encounter the mysterious Mythos races of the Mi-Go and Deep Ones.
By the time they’ve completed these missions, your agents will have truly earned their stripes, growing from raw novices to grizzled Secret War veterans… if they manage to survive, that is!
In this collection, you’ll get a grand total of six adventures. These are ready-made for a campaign, but you can also run them as one-offs. But the pride of this new bundle is Operation Eastbourne. This is a daring raid on a massive compound that’s a climactic capstone for any adventure.
And along with all of this, you’ll get plenty of maps, pre-gen characters, and other handouts to help immerse your players in the game.
Good luck, you’re going to need it