Star Wars: Everyone’s Fighting Their Own Rebellion – ‘Andor’ Episode 5 Easter Eggs

From characters back from Legends to mysterious tattoos, Andor Episode 5 Easter Eggs, and details you may not have noticed.
This week’s return to Andor was a bit of a slow burn. It was one of those episodes that was paced more like a book than a TV show or movie. And I liked it a lot. There’s a bigger cast than many of us were anticipating, made up of almost entirely new characters. And with all of those stories needing to converge later, we have a lot of middle ground to follow outside of the Andor-centric imperial bank robbery mission. But despite the pace and small steps forward in the overall plot, this episode had a few juicy Easter Eggs and details worth talking about.
Leida Mothma
Last week we met Perrin, Mon Mothma’s husband, and this week we’ve met her daughter, Leida. While you may not have realized that Mon Mothma had a family at all, Leida has been around since 1993’s Dark Empire Sourcebook for the West End Games Star Wars tabletop RPG. She briefly appeared since then in a 2002 character guide but this is Leida’s first full step into the current canon. And while she was previously described as having some understanding of her mother, on Andor Ledia is your average mad-at-her-mom sort of teenager. Between Perrin and Ledia it doesn’t feel like Mon Mothma gets much support at home and like her involvement in the Rebellion will eventually cost her her family.
Planetary Name Drops
There were some more planets of note mentioned this week as locations of Rebel Alliance activity. Hosnian Prime will eventually replace Coruscant as the galaxy’s capital and then later be destroyed in The Force Awakens. Fondor houses a large Imperial Shipyard, and makes sense as a target for the budding Rebellion. Jakku is another planet we won’t see until the sequel trilogy, but Emperer Palpatine secretly builds an Observatory here. Kessel is home to many things, but at this point in the timeline is likely a reference to the first Rebels episodes where the crew rescues Wookies from spice mines.
Back to Luthen’s Shop
Once again, Luthen’s shop is a great place to visit if you’re looking for Easter Eggs. The Jedi and Sith holocrons are very clearly on display in this shot. But to their left and much more subtle are the Sankara Stones from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Does this legitimize the theory that Han Solo is Indy and Chewbacca is Big Foot? No. It absolutely doesn’t. But these are fun to keep an eye out for anyhow.
Skeen’s Prison Tattoos
Cassian and Skeen share whatever the opposite of a bonding moment is when Andor recognizes a few of Skeen’s tattoos. As it turns out both men have done time in Imperial prisons (or “youth centers”). One tattoo is for “Krayt Head”, which is likely some sort of gang that references the gigantic retile we saw on Tatooine in The Mandalorian.
The other is “By The Hand,” which is a little harder to pin down. I have seen some speculation that it’s a reference to the Emperor’s Hand and an elite group of secret operatives who worked directly for Palpatine. But to me, it seems unlikely that a character with Skeen’s backstory would have been attached to this group. And if he was a Hand and is lying to the group, he wouldn’t have allowed his identifying tattoo to be seen. I’d love for this to be a backdoor way to reintroduce Mara Jade, too, but I have my doubts that this could be the case.
What Easter Eggs or details did you notice in episode 5 of Andor? Do you have a favorite moment or line? How do you think the mission will turn out? Let us know in the comments!
May The Force Be With You, Adventurers!