Summon Ogres to Sci-Fi and Fantasy Battlefields with Wargames Atlantic

Need some oversized fighters for your army or RPG adventures? Look no further than these Ogres from Wargames Atlantic.
Wargames Atlantic is an absolutely amazing company for value on the dollar. They release quality kits at very affordable prices. Their newest previews show off some brand-new Ogres that I am already dreaming about how to build. In this teased box set, you get 9 Ogres. I am already thinking of how I could use them in my fantasy and sci-fi armies.

The box art for these ogres is so vibrant!
I see a new symbol on this Wargames Atlantic box art. D20 Approved. I wonder if they will be going after a little bit of that Dungeons and Dragons and RPG market on top of wargames.
On top of obviously being marketed as a fantasy range, these miniatures are teased to come with Sci-Fi parts too. This means that you can use these figures to make affordable proxy Ogre bodyguards and soldiers for your 28mm human sci-fi armies.

It looks like you will also be able to make these minis out of the box. While I question their choice of paints for a sci-fi game, I could see a group of these guys ending up in one of my 28mm Sci-Fi human armies.
For those wondering on the size of these figures, we have something teasing that too. Check out this image.
Although the parts on the sprue may still go through retooling, here is a preview image of what we might expect. Lots of customization options are available.

The parts that we could expect on Landskecht Ogre sprues.
Looking at the pieces above, I do see enough parts to make three Sci-Fi Ogres with ranged weapons and a number of options for Fantasy Ogres too.
Wrapping it up…
Wargames Atlantic is one of the companies that I keep a very close eye on. They offer fantastic products at great prices. If you are into 28mm miniatures of any genre, this company might have something for you. I know this set of Ogres, and a number of their other upcoming kits, has me looking hard at them.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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