This Week’s Warhammer 40K Products & Pricing CONFIRMED – Hello Leagues of Votann!

We are headed to the Grimdark with products for Warhammer 40K and Horus Heresy. Take a look at these prices.
It’s a return to Warhammer 40K and the Age of Darkness with a big set of new GW products. Here come the latest releases.
All these items are up for pre-order October 29. Street date is November 5.
Codex Leagues of Votann : $55 €42.50 £32.50
“The might of the Kin is unleashed, with 104 pages of Leagues of Votann lore and rules, bringing this long-awaited faction roaring into the 41st Millennium. A complete roster of datasheets, stratagems, warlord traits, and relics gives your new army the power it needs to carve out a name on the battlefield, while in-depth Crusade rules lead your Kinhost on a daring quest for resources across the galaxy.”
Leagues of Votann – Uthar the Destined: $38 €31.50 £24
Leagues of Votann – Einhyr Hearthguard: $60 €45 £35
“The Einhyr Hearthguard are nothing short of the Leagues’ finest troops, protected by bulky exo-armour and carrying an array of powerful weapons. They have both the skills and equipment to tussle with the enemy’s best, emerging victorious in a hail of bolts and blades.”
Leagues of Votann – Cthonian Berserks: $60 €45 £35
Leagues of Votann – Sagitaur: $60 €50 £37.50
Leagues of Votann – Grimnyr: $45 €35 £27.50
“Known as Living Ancestors, the Grimnyr use strange barrier tech to manipulate the immaterium and manifest deadly psychic powers. They are among the few privy to the Votann themselves, deciphering their wisdom and acting as something of a priesthood to their Kinbands.”
Leagues of Votann – Brokhyr Thunderkyn: $55 €42.50 £32.50
Leagues of Votann – Hekaton Land fortress: $110 €85 £65
“The toughest obstacles require a vehicle of tremendous power to break through, and the Hekaton Land Fortress serves with distinction. Festooned with weapons and capable of carrying a large number of troops, this impressive battle tank is a fearsome asset on the battlefield, dealing damage and soaking up punishment in equal measure.”
Leagues of Votann – Hearthkyn Warriors: $55 €42.50 £32.50
Leagues of Votann – Hernkyn Pioneers: $60 €50 £37.50
“More independently minded Kin trade the regimented life of the Leagues for the open road, returning to fight for their Hold as Hernkyn Pioneer outriders. Their grav-bikes are equipped with an array of powerful weapons, giving a heavy offensive punch to their speedy hit-and-run attacks.”
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Leagues of Votann – Brokhyr Iron-Master: $50 €40 £30
Leagues of Votann – Einhyr Champion: $38 €31.50 £24
Leagues of Votann – Combat Patrol: $150 €120 £90
“Hit the ground running with Combat Patrol: Leagues of Votann, packing an essential selection of units into one tidy box. You get one Kâhl – buildable as special character Ûthar the Destined – plus 10 Hearthkyn Warriors, three Hernkyn Pioneers and five Cthonian Beserks, giving you powerful options whether the enemy’s up close or far away.”
Leagues of Votann – Dice: $35 €25 £20
Deimos Pattern Predator Support Tank : $70 €55 £40
“The Predator is an extremely versatile vehicle, and now you can bring some of the Legions’ strongest weapons to bear with the new Deimos Pattern Predator Support Tank kit. The kit contains an executioner plasma destroyer, magna-melta cannon, flamestorm cannon, heavy conversion beam cannon, and neutron blaster – perfect for backing up your existing Predator Battle Tanks and their conventional (but no less deadly) arsenal.”
Where have you been my beloved Squats!!