Warcry: New Boxed Set ‘Sundered Fate’ Details Revealed

There’s a pair of new Warbands and some really awesome terrain coming in the new Boxed Set for Warcry: Sundered Fate!
Games Workshop has revealed the contents of the upcoming Warcry Boxed Set Sundered Fate and it’s looking pretty great! Get your expedition ready because you’re heading deeper into the jungle to find the Eye of Chotec. But you’re not the only ones looking for it…
“Sundered Fate is the next boxed set for Warcry, taking us further into the heart of the Gnarlwood. It introduces updated terrain features, new campaigns, and two all-new warbands – the scaled Hunters of Huanchi, and the iconoclastic cultists of the Jade Obelisk.”
Sundered Fate Boxed Set
First up we have the guardians of these ruins — the Hunters of Huanchi. This Warband is made of stealthy Chameleon Skinks who aren’t afraid to pepper their victims with poisonous darts from afar!
These Skinks have also recruited some locals to help with their protection of this troubled land. These Terrawings are their eyes in the sky — and beaks on the ground.
The other warband featured in the box is the Jade Obelisk. This batch of icon destroying cultists is looking to do a bit more than remodel the remains of these ruins.
“The latest invaders are a terrifying cult known as the Jade Obelisk. Hailing from the accursed city of Nephricar, these warriors have struck a doomed pact with an eldritch entity known as the Speaker in the Stone, gaining great resilience and power – at the low, low cost of their bodies slowly turning to stone.”
This warband sounds pretty interesting! They are giving me some Tzeentch vibes but at the same time I’m not 100% sure that’s the case. I like the idea that their “masks” aren’t masks but their bodies slowly turning to stone. That’s quite the trade off.
New Terrain
There’s some new terrain in the box that adds to the Gnarlwood collection.
“This particular knot of Gnarlwood is represented by even more fleshy Gnarloaks, plus a scattering of palisades and ruins. New to the box are bamboo platforms for your cheeky Chameleon Skinks to skulk about from on high, plus a comfy Hollow Refuge – which gives a glimpse of how warbands might survive in such a hostile environment.”
This looks like another fantastic terrain kit and boxed set. If you’re playing Warcry or if you just want to get a bit more vertical in your skirmish games then Sundered Fate looks like a good boxed set to snag.
Warcry: Sundered Fate is coming soon!