Warhammer 40K: Another 5 Famous Astra Militarum Heroes

The Astra Militarum has many heroes in it’s ranks. Here’s a look at another 5 famous characters from the Imperial Guard!
The Adeptus Astartes might be the Angels of Death for the Emperor, but the Astra Militarum is the largest fighting force in the galaxy. The brave foot soldiers of the Imperium might be a countless mass of lasguns but even among their number they have legendary heroes. Today, we’re taking a closer look at another 5 of the most famous heroes in all of the Astra Militarum – FOR THE GUARD!
Colonel Schaeffer – “Last Chancers”
Colonel Schaeffer is an officer of the Imperial Commissariat and the commander of the 13th Penal Legion, also known as the “Last Chancers”.
While most Imperial citizens, especially the rank-and-file of the Imperial Guard, believe that Penal Legion troopers – often murderers, traitors, blasphemers, thieves, rapists and other assorted scum – should be executed for their crimes, Schaeffer is a firm believer of granting a “Last Chance” for his men to redeem themselves. He provides this chance by leading them into suicidal missions. Those “fortunate” enough to be offered recruitment into the 13th Legion often choose summary execution rather than serve under Schaeffer.
Kubrik Chenkov
Kubrik Chenkov is the Commander of the Valhallan 18th “Tundra Wolves” regiment.
Kubrik Chenkov is a stubborn man who refuses to admit defeat or acknowledge surrender and who like all Valhallans, is dour and obstinate, but is unmatched in his brutality, ruthlessness or mercilessness. He leads the Tundra Wolves from the front, shrugging off the safety of a command bunker to keep watch over his men and to invoke his own brand of motivation.
Chenkov does not bother with grand strategies and tactics to win wars, instead throwing the legions of troops he has at his disposal into the meat grinder to accomplish his goals through numbers. One common tactic is, once an enemy leader has been found, to pen them in with his own men, bring his artillery into position and level the entire area. He has also been known to march men over minefields to clear them ready for Leman Russ Battle Tanks, as evidenced during the second war for the Trenk Ravine.
Sly Marbo
Sly Marbo, the ‘One Man Army’, is a Catachan guardsman. Feared by the enemies of the Imperium for sniping skills that would rival a Vindicare Assassin and survival skills greater than most Space Marines. He has been known to take on entire enemy forces, striking fear into any who threaten Catachan and the Imperium, this has made his reputation legendary and it’s said there’s little Sly Marbo hasn’t killed.
Ciaphas Cain
Ciaphas Cain (Kai-a-fass Kane) was an Imperial Commissar. He was in active service in the last century of M41, and was over 200 years old when he was recalled into service during the 13th Black Crusade of Abaddon the Despoiler, and it is certain that he survived more than a quarter of a century into M42. Propaganda made him out to be the hero of the Imperium circa late M41 although in truth he was mainly focused on surviving. (However he differed from many other Imperial Commissars in that he would not readily sacrifice soldiers unless it ensured his own survival.) Cain tried his utmost to avoid engaging in actual combat, but would have to anyway to maintain his status as a Hero of the Imperium, which ironically, would involve him in more dangerous situations than any he would usually see as a Commissar. He was responsible for many successful campaigns throughout his career and retired to become a professor at a Schola Progenium.
Knight Commander Pask
Knight Commander Pask is a renowned Cadian Tank ace, having gained a reputation for an exceptional understanding of armored vehicles and warfare.
Pask first came to prominence as part of the Cadian 423rd Armoured Regiment when they battled against Waaagh! Gutcutta on the planet Cyris. Pask was assigned to the Leman Russ Battle Tank “Hand of Steel”. The battle raged and an Ork Bonecruncha eventually smashed through the Imperial lines, its Deff Rolla flattened the tank’s turret and killed the Hand’s Commander with ease. Pask assumed command of the ruined and battered tank and turned the tank around, and with the Ork Bonecruncha still smashing through the Imperial line, Pask demonstrated the twin talents which would earn him his reputation. With uncanny perception, he noticed a join on the Ork machine’s back armour that had been inexpertly welded together; with equally uncanny precision, he fired a pinpoint lascannon shot that hit the join and detonated the machine’s crude engines. The Bonecruncha flipped over its own Deff Rolla in a victorious blaze. The Hand, still under Pask’s command, went on to rack up at least 14 confirmed armour-kills, defeating Ork Warlord Gutcutta’s assault.
Want to learn more about the Heroes of the Astra Militarum? Check out the Lexicanum!
We’re using the term “hero” loosely here…