Warhammer 40K: Attilan Rough Riders Return

Games Workshop has announced the return of the Attilan Rough Riders with a brand new plastic kit. Time to mount up!
Looks like the Astra Militarum has called in the cavalry for their relaunch because the Attilan Rough Riders are back with a brand new plastic kit.
Rough Riders first appeared way back in White Dwarf #111, with the planet Attila – home to the most famous of these far future cavaliers – arriving a few years later in the second edition of Warhammer 40,000. They’ve been on something of a hiatus since 2009, but the wait is over – they’re raring to go, and ready for horseplay.
That’s right folks, the horse riding Attilans have returned with new plastic everything! Those Hunting Lances are making a comeback and they are bringing some new punch with them as well.
That’s right those legendary Hunting Lances have some new explosive rules. You can charge in with the Frag Tip for some extra hits or you can swap over to Melta Tips for even more bang for your buck! They are also going to get access to your Astra Militarum special rules thanks to some fancy keywords.
“Far from lonesome outriders, Rough Riders are an integral part of the Imperial war machine – the PLATOON keyword lets them receive orders from Cadian Castellans and other officers, while the CORE keyword grants access to a wide variety of bonuses. They even pack a lasgun each for the rare moments when they’re not ramming explosive lances through traitorous faces.”
Here’s our first look at the whole unit and they are looking mighty impressive. I am curious about that rider on the right however. That lance tip looks like some sort of volkite version! I think these horsemen might have some other tricks up their sleeves.
It’s the return of the Rough Riders! What do you think of these new models?