Warhammer 40K: Leagues of Votann Combat Patrol Next Steps

So you’ve been looking at starting a Leagues of Votann army and want a Combat Patrol box — but where do you go from there?
Earlier this week Games Workshop announced that the Leagues of Votann are heading to Pre-order this weekend. We already did a breakdown of the Combat Patrol box but where do you build out from there? That’s what we’re going to talk about today. And if you want to follow along with the points or plan your own army then you can start here.
In typical fashion we’re go shoot for 2000 point army list for the Leagues of Votann. We’ll leave a bit of extra wiggle room for some of the wargear as well. Now to kick things off we’re going to start with that Combat Patrol box that’s on the way.
Leagues of Votann Combat Patrol Box
- Ûthar the Destined – 160 points
- 10x Hearthkyn Warriors – 120 points + wargear
- 3x Hernkyn Pioneers – 105 points + wargear
- 5x Cthonian Beserks – 150 points + wargear
Total: 535 + wargear
Right off the bat we’ve got a solid core and a bit more than a quarter of the points spoken for. The first major question we have to ask is if this box is worth picking up a second one. I lean towards “yes” for two reasons. 1) you’ll get a second model that you can build into a Kâhl (which you’ll absolutely want) and 2) you’ll now have the option to run maxed-size squads of the other units in the boxed set.
- Kâhl 80 points + wargear
- 10x Hearthkyn Warriors – 120 points + wargear
- 3x Hernkyn Pioneers – 105 points + wargear
- 5x Cthonian Beserks – 150 points + wargear
Total: 455 + wargear
With this second box that puts us right at 990 + wargear. We’re already halfway done with our 2k list! But now we’ve got a excellent core to build out from. We’ve got a lot of Troop bodies from the Hearthkyn, we’ve got some faster elements with the Pioneers, and we’ve got a crazy melee unit with the Beserks. Oh and we’ve got two HQ options.
There’s one more thing we need to snag and that’s another unit of Troops — unfortunately we only have one options so that’s another 120 points + warger for a third unit of Hearthkyn Warriors. Now we need to add some fun flavor to this army.
Yep. We’re going straight to the battlewagon that is the Hekaton Land Fortress. It’s 300 points + wargear but it allows you to transport your units around. Good thing you’ve got an obvious payload of Beserks that need a lift. We’re basically 3/4 of the way done on points now, too with our new total up to 1410 + wargear. What to add next?
I think you’ve got options as we can go with the specialized options now. Einhyr Hearthguard or Thunderkyn are both solid options and which ever you choose will help define your army moving forward. I think that the army can really branch a couple of ways from this point. Do you double down on the Hearthguard? Then maybe you pick up an Einhyr Champ to roll with them. Or do you go with the Thunderkyn in which case you slot in an Iron-master.
You could also opt to skip the character and just go for more models with the units. Whichever you choose, I do think having a Grimnyr around for some psychic powers is a good idea. You’re going to want to be able to at least play in that phase of the game.
I think this is a really tough call and honestly, I’m not sure how I’d want to really mix-max everything at this point. Without having seen any real games or tournament data on the army we’re all going in based on the Dataslates here. That said, if we’re starting a new army I’d want to keep my options open. I also am not the type of person who only collects the “power units” and that’s it. So, if this was my army, I’d split the difference and get one unit of each the Hearthguard (225 points + wargear) and Thunderkyn (120 points + wargear). And as far as character support I’d go with the Grminyr (90 points).
This brings our total to 1845 points + wargear. I think this is the more well rounded version and give you the chance to actually use these units before you decide to play with other options. Or before you opt to follow a specific playstyle for the army. You can always go all-in with the other direction later.
The List
- Ûthar the Destined
- Kâhl
- Grminyr
- 10x Hearthkyn Warriors
- 10x Hearthkyn Warriors
- 10x Hearthkyn Warriors
- 10x Cthonian Beserks
- 5x Einhyr Hearthguard
Fast Attack
- 3x Hernkyn Pioneers
- 3x Hernkyn Pioneers
- 3x Thunderkyn
- Hekaton Land Fortress
Total: 1845 points + Wargear
Even within this build you’ve got options on how you want to divvy stuff up depending on what detachments you want. You can also combine squads as needed if you have slot restrictions you need to meet. Whatever you choose I think this is a good start for a Leagues of Votann Army and gives you lots of ways to grow your collection as you get more experience with a brand new army. If you find a particular unit works or playstyle fits, I’d encourage you to lean into that. Play what you like and what you enjoy doing — don’t play something you don’t enjoy as that’s a sure fire way get burned out.
The Leagues of Votann are up for Pre-order this weekend!