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Warhammer 40K: Looks Like The Astra Militarum Rumors Were Pretty Spot On

4 Minute Read
Oct 13 2022

Take a look at how the new information GW has dropped on the Astra Militarum lines up with the rumors we’ve been getting.

This weekend GW unveiled a new army box for the Astra Militarum. This announcement showed off a number of new models for existing units. Even more exciting it showed off some brand new units for the army. We’ve looked at why these models had me so hyped. Today I wanted to look at some of the rumors we’ve discussed over the past few months and which ones are now confirmed, or not.

Rumor 1

“Veteran Squads and Special Weapon squads are gone from the book, and Infantry squads lose access to heavy weapons, but gain a second special weapon slot.”

This rumor appears to be at least party a conflation of a few things. We don’t know about the fate of Veteran and Special Weapon squads yet. However I would not be surprised if Veterans were replaced by the new Shock Troops unit or even DKoK.

Likewise it doesn’t seem that Infantry squads are losing access to heavy weapons. However the new Cadian Shock Troop unit (new as a unit) DOES drop the heavy weapon for a second special weapon. It seems like this was what the rumor was talking about.

Rumor 2

  • You won’t be running pure Cadians (of course you could) You will be able to mix and match different regiments into one force.
  • Your army bonus doesn’t care that half is Catachan and the other Krieg, you’ll still get your army rule.
  • The only benefit in running say a unit of Catachan is to use a strat like “vicious traps”.

This was confirmed by GW. Guard armies will be a mix of various regiments with just some overall rules you get to pick. I don’t like it, but will see how it works out in the book.

Rumor 3


In enemy charge phase spend X cp When a unit is charged and is in terrain, roll a d6 +1 if unit is Catachan or guerrillas +1 if unit has a melta mine +1 if Sly Marbo is on the battlefield

    • On a 2-5 the enemy unit suffers d3 mortal wounds, on a 6+ the enemy unit suffers 2d3 mortal wounds

This remains an unknown. Nothing GW has announced touches on this. We will have to wait and see.

Rumor 4

The command squad is now the hq. You don’t get individual characters leading.

This one also seems to a mix of a couple things. It does appear that the command squad is now a single HQ with the character part of it. This is a change I really like. However we also know that you do sitll get individual characters, like the Castellen, leading on their own. Best of both worlds?

Rumor 5

  • Field Ordinance Battery Choices
    • Bombast field gun
    • Heavy lascannon
    • Malleus rocket launcher

This one appears spot on. We’ve seen the new models. While we don’t have official names for them yet, the weapon types do match up to the rumored names. No info on what they do, by they certainly have me hyped!

Rumor 6

“Scions range is now 24″ get the regiments bonus and also 6’s to hit score additional hits”

No news on this one. We do know that Kasrkin are getting new models, and likely new rules. Given some of the ways other rumors have turned out to be true, but about other units, I wonder if this is about Scions or just Kasrkin. It would be interesting to set the two units apart.

Overall four of the rumors were proven true, or mostly true. The remain two are still up in the air. Not a bad record!

Let us know what you think of these rumors being true, down in the comments!


Author: Abe Apfel
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