Warhammer 40K Meta Hotness: Baharroth

The current best Phoenix Lord is the winged Devil of the Skies – Baharroth!
Man this guy was good during the hell of Hail of Doom Aeldari and he continues to be awesome. He flies, he is hard to kill, he hits pretty decently, and again he is hard to get rid of. This guy does a lot for an army especially when he can be anywhere on the table doing what he was born to do – be a pain in your rear.
Baharroth Basics
The basics are he is a super Swooping Hawk so he can teleport at will. He can only take 3 wounds per phase, and has a decent load out of attacks. Oh and remember he can show up anywhere he wants. This guy is a perfect switchblade of efficiency and someone that would show up in any army if he could.
Pain in the Butt
We all know how the Dataslates for Aeldari are juiced up a bit. Really lackluster secondaries mixed with high point totals make the army not nearly as interesting as it once was. It still can do a lot of damage and this guy – he is a nice lynchpin to helping the army gel. Baharroth jumps around, pokes at things as needed, jumps back up, and is almost impossible to remove. Heck, it is one of the models that GW should have remade into plastic as they would have sold a TON of them!
Sample List
Daniel Wohlmuth took first place at the Battle for Salvation a 81-player, 6-round Grand Tournament in West Nyack, NY. A melee focussed Ynnari army (pretty dang awesome) utilizing the flying space elf monster Baharoth to harry opponents and be a true pain in the butt.
Battalion Detachment 0CP (Asuryani) [89pl, 1760pts]
Craftworld: Ynnari
+No Force Org+
Warlock Skyrunners [5pl, 105pts] x3, Protect/Jinx, Conceal/Reveal
The Yncarne [13pl, 260pts]
Farseer Skyrunner [6pl, 125pts]: Fateful Divergence, Ghostwalk, Warlord(-1CP):Mark of the Incomparable Hunter, Relic(-1CP):Kurnous Bow
Rangers [4pl, 65pts] x5
Rangers [4pl, 65pts] x5
Troupe[9pl, 160pts] x10, Caress x1, Embrace x1, Kiss x4
Wyches[3pl, 55pts] x5, Hypex
Striking Scorpions [5pl, 110pts] x5, Biting Blade, Crushing Blows
Howling Banshees [5pl, 110pts] x5, Mirrorswords, Piercing Strikes
Howling Banshees [4pl, 95pts] x5, Mirrorswords, Relic(-1CP): Cronescream
Windriders [6pl, 150pts] x5, Shuriken Cannon x5
Swooping Hawks [8pl, 180pts] x9, Lasblaster x9
Shining Spears [6pl, 130pts] x3, Shuriken Cannon, Paragon Saber, Shimmershield, Heartstrike, Relic: Khaines Lance
War Walker [5pl, 85pts] x1, Brightlance x2
War Walker [5pl, 65pts] x1, Shuriken Cannon x2
Auxiliary Support Detachment -2CP (Asuryani) [7pl, 160pts]
Baharroth [7pl, 160pts]
Fortification Network 0CP (Asuryani) [4pl, 80pts]
Webway Gate [4pl, 80pts]
Baharroth Final Thoughts
Man he is just good. His cost is a bit high but he can do so much for an army that he will help you win games just by surviving till the end and ripping an objective from you when you least expect it. To the Sky’s my Aeldari Hawks! Bring death and shuriken!
Let us know what units you think are hot right now, down in the comments!