Warhammer 40K: More Plastic Guard Regiments, Please

There’s no way we’re going to see more plastic Guard Regiments, right? Then again just maybe…
Games Workshop announced the lastic Attilan Rough Riders today. I think we all kinda knew they were coming based on an old Rumor Engine. But I had my doubts. Well, that was yesterday and now we’ve got a look at those models.
They look great! I’m excited to see their revamped look with a nod to their old school unit. I also appreciate the combination of the old and new.
However, this announcement got me wondering: Will we see other plastic Guard Regiments get a rework? There’s no way, right? Like…those old metal models got the axe and that was the end of them…or was it?
Okay, so let’s think about this one for a second. Many of these Regiments have rules, right? So what would it actually take to make an army of them? Well, first up, you’d need your basic infantry models. That’s 1 plastic kit. And you’d probably need the command/HQ kit. So that’s 2. What about the rest?
One of the nice things about the guard is that their weapons and weapon system don’t really change. You’d just need models with the same base kits. All of these crew members could be replaced with a single upgrade kit. Same goes for the heavy weapons. So that’s maybe another kit or two, tops.
There’s a good chance that the heavy weapon teams could even be a part of the core infantry box kit. But let’s assume that at max we need 4 plastic kits — two ‘core’ options and 2 upgrade sprues. How many would GW need to make then? Well, we’ve already got the Cadians. And Death Korps. That’ leaves…
Catachan Jungle Fighters
Tallarn Desert Raiders
Mordian Iron Guard
Valhallan Ice Warriors
Of all these options, I would expect the Catachans to get the first dibs on a revamp. Considering the number of Special Characters that they have (and all the exclusive models) they seem like the best fit. Plus, how else are you supposed to field the team from Predator?
With somewhere between 2-4 kits per Regiment, that’s not exactly a small task. However, it’s not unheard of either. Will we see more kits besides Cadians in the future? I sure hope so. But it will never happen, right? C’mon GW…we DARE you!
(Gotta hit them with the ‘we DARE you’ card…)