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Warhammer 40K: More World Eater Units We Want

3 Minute Read
Oct 12 2022
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Now that GW has teased us with the Lord Invocatus here’s a few more units we hope show up in the World Eaters Codex.

A couple months ago we theorized a few units that we hope would show up under the banner of the upcoming World Eaters. Well, after the preview, we had a few more ideas.


(More) Khorne Berzerkers on Juggernauts


Obviously, this one is inspired by the Lord Invocatus. But if we can get a character on one, why can’t we get a whole unit of them!? The World Eaters prefer close combat and getting there is going to be the biggest challenge. So slapping them on beefy Juggernauts of Khorne seems like a good solution.

Khorne Beastmen

If the Thousand Sons can get Tzaangors as their “filler” troops then why can’t the World Eaters get some ‘Gor assistants, too? We’ve had Khornegors in the past (at least in Warhammer Fantasy Battles). So why the heck not?


Khorne Cultists

This one seems like a no-brainer unit, too. If we’re not going to get Khornegors I think we’re at least going to get some new Khorne Cultists members. The Gor units are a good filler for the Thousand Sons because of their whole “curse” thing.

But Khorne Cultists might be a better fit for the World Eaters as bloodshed seems to be a common, unifying factor in the Grimdark.

Many, Many Khorne World Eater Characters


I could very easily see Games Workshop taking the World Eaters range closer to the Death Guard concepts vs the Thousand Sons. They seem like their army would be filled with a bunch of Champions or characters that rouse their fellows to anger. Heck, just look at the Blade of Khorne champions:

And there are more. Just saying — Khorne likes his martial champions and it sure feels like “the more the merrier” for the World Eaters.


What do you think? Are there even more units that you think the World Eaters should have? Let us know in the comments!

Author: Adam Harrison
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