Warhammer 40K: Never WAAAGH Without ‘Em – Codex Orks Must-Take Units

Here come da Orks! Here are the must-take Geeenskin units no Warboss should ever WAAAGH without!
The 9th Edition Ork release in the summer of 2021 brought the Greenskins in line with the new edition and not only upgraded the old units but even added in a completely new line of models, the Beast Snaggas. Like all codexes it is a mix of amazing must-take units and soggy brown banana units that you can just leave on the shelf.
Ghazghkull Thraka and Makari
How could anyone make a MUST TAKE list without including the Ork, the Myth, the Legend who’s name sparks fear and panic throughout the galaxy? Ghazghkull (along with Makari) not only gives you an absolute beat stick of a unit but also a ton of aura buffs to the rest of your GOFF army. In an edition where every faction has the ability to wipe units off the board in one salvo, having the ability to only lose 4 wounds in a turn is HUGE and lets you get the beast stuck into combat before your opponent has a change to laser beam him off the table.
As an Ork player you need access to specific psychic powers, namely Da Jump. The Weirdboy is your ticket to teleporting your units to where they need to be throughout the battle. Fists of Gork is an amazing power to take if you have multiple Weirdboyz or if you are going to run your single psyker up with your Warlord to give them an extra punch (getting ol Ghaz up to strength 20 for a turn lol).
Beast Snagga Boyz
For slightly more ppm than the standard Ork Boyz, the new hotness Beast Snagga Boyz come with some pretty cool upgrades. With a built in base S5 with a 6+ invulnerable save, its hard to not get excited about these guys. Make them GOFF and you are looking at 3 S6 AP -1 attacks per model, add an extra attack to that for the WAAAGH, all with exploding 6’s.
Kustom Boosta-Blastas
What’s not to like about these guys? They not only annihilate enemy hordes with their 4x flamers, but also hit hard in combat with their mortal wound pumping Spiked Ram attack. The Rivet Kannon doesn’t have a bad profile either, but the unit suffers from the normal Ork shooting low ballistic skill. If you’re feeling extra spicy you can use the Ramming Speed stratagem for and additional d3 mortal wounds. The Kustom Boosta-Blasta is about as Orky a vehicle as they come, dont leave home without one (or three).
Speed is the name of the game in 9th edition. Most armies have such high offensive output that units left out in the open will be gone on turn one. Stormboyz give you the hitting power of an Ork on the charge but with a 12″ movement that can ignore terrain and a guaranteed 6″ charge range (maybe you kill a guy?). You add in the WAAAGH and you can also charge that turn. Make them GOFFS, and baby, you got yourself a stew!
Lootas are great. They’ve ALWAYS been great, and 9th edition is no exception. The ability to hold down sections of the board with mass S7 Damage 2 shots is well worth their points. You’ll want to be careful with them as they are just Ork Boyz after all and will melt to any dedicated fire that comes their way but plopping them in cover and having good lanes to shoot down, your opponent will have to think twice about coming out in the open.
Wazbom Blastajet
A great source of high strength with potential for high damage attacks, the Wazbom Blastajet is a great take for Ork players. Coming with multiple S10 Mega-Kannons, a S8 Smasha Gun, and 12 S6 shots from its Supa-Shootas, this thing packs a punch and with the ability to give itself any any other fliers within 9″ a 5+ invulnerable save, its a must take!
Go Green, or Go Home!
So there you have it, my opinion on the must take units in your Ork army. Of course, there are plenty more great models to take, and may just barely didn’t make the list.
What are some of your favorite Ork models to bring to the table that aren’t on this list and why should I have included them?
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