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Warhammer 40K: The Armies We Want In A New Launch Box

4 Minute Read
Oct 29 2022
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Let’s pretend for a moment that 40k 10th edition is right around the corner. There’s a new Launch Box on the way — but what’s in it?

If you could decide which two armies would be inside of a new Launch Box for a new edition what two armies would you pick? I’ve got some thoughts on the matter but just so we’re clear this is entirely wish-listing. Heck, if you’ve got any pairings you’d like to see drop them in the comments and let us know! Maybe we’ll get lucky and GW will “borrow” one of our ideas. With that said, let’s dive in!

Space Marines vs Orks – The Old School Safe Bet

Games Workshop has done this one before. Space Marines vs Orks is a classic match-up! You can’t really go wrong with this pairing…unless you release a particular kit that’s only available in that set for say…oh 5 editions?

That would never happen! Again. Maybe.

World Eaters vs Tyranids – The Wild Card Option

The World Eaters are (currently) the last announced Codex for the current edition. Would it make sense for them to show up in the next edition’s Launch Box? That could be pretty cool! I’m not entirely sure how all that would work with their old codex getting almost immediately invalidated due to a new edition and that could feel a little like salt on a sore wound. I’d still like to see this pairing however.

Why? Because Khorne’s forces saved the Blood Angel’s bacon from the Tyranids in the events of the Battle of Baal. I kind of want the Tyranids to get some payback! “Oh but that was Khorne Daemons, not World Eaters!” That’s true. But Daemons and Tyranids don’t really mix. There’s no souls for the Daemons to torment and there’s no biomass for the Tyranids to digest. It’s just a lose-lose battle for both. At least with World Eaters there’s bio-mass to eat and the Tyranids could have some cool skulls to take. Plus it’d be a real “who’s eating who” situation.


Adeptas Sororitas vs Leagues of Votann – Battle of the Exo-suits

Alright, I really just wanted to see a bunch of models in Exo-suits fighting with this one. The other option was Grey Knights and their Dreadknight…but I figured we could get more Adeptas Sororitas in the box instead.

I also think mechanically these two armies would both be kind of perfect to fight. The Sisters have their Faith Points to mess with while the Leagues have their Judgements to dish out. Wait, now that I think about it, this might actually be a terrible box to throw together. Specifically for new players. No, we need to remember the Launch Boxes are supposed to be designed with new players in mind. We need easier armies to manage because they might be learning the game. Hmm…back to the drawing board.

Astra Militarum vs Necrons – More Machines Than Man


You know the Necrons and the Astra Militarum did get to throwdown inside the Gallowdark. This could be a fun revisiting of that. Plus the Necrons featured in the previous Launch Box and are still showing up on the tournament scene. It would be a cool way for GW to get some more love for the Astra Militarum, too. And it looks like they are getting a pretty large release soon. I think this could be a good pairing!

The machines of the Astra Militarum vs the Necron’s living metal machines!

Space Marines vs Space Marines – The Mirror Match!

What’s that? There’s an entire game system that focuses on the conflict of Marines vs Marines? And it already got a launch box, too?! …SO IT CAN WORK! 

It would be interesting to see Space Marines fighting each other — but maybe one of the non-standard codex chapters. What about a Space Wolves vs Dark Angels box? That’s a fight that I think we’d all like to see happen. Let’s settle the old grudge once and for all! Look, “it’s just a training mission” alright? That’s not real blood. The Chainswords were fake…I promise.



There are so many pairing options! What two armies would you like to see throw down in a new Launch box?

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Warhammer 40K: The Militarum Tempestus Problem