We’ve Got Our Eyes on this Corinthian Closet Cosplay from ‘The Sandman’

He’s one nasty nightmare with a lust for destruction, and we’re putting together a tasty Corinthian Closet Cosplay for you!
If you’re like us, you really sank your teeth into the recent Netflix adaptation of The Sandman. The show’s gripping characters and the convoluted plot had us on the edge of our seats, and we’ve seen some major excitement around The Sandman cosplays. This week we’re back with another closet cosplay build list for you – The Corinthian!
The great thing about a Corinthian cosplay is that he’s in streetwear at all times. This makes it VERY easy to put together a closet cosplay from items you have laying around the house already. You don’t have to go above and beyond to buy new things if you have a few staples in your wardrobe, but we’ve put together a list just in case. These items will give you something to think about, but they are all available for purchase if you need them. Happy hunting!
1. The Corinthian Closet Cosplay: The Sunglasses
The most iconic part of The Corinthian’s look is his shades. If you aren’t a master of makeup and/or prosthetics, a safe and easy way to cosplay the Corinthian is to throw on some sunglasses. They exude ambiance! These shades are similar in shape to what he wears in the show but simple enough to go with any look.
In case you want something even more subtle and versatile, we have you covered. These are classic, understated sunglasses options for you. They could even double as Lara Croft sunglasses if you wanted!
2. The Corinthian Closet Cosplay: The Jacket

Everyone should have a classic trench coat in their wardrobe. The standard black works well for a Dream cosplay, but you’ll want a coat in white, beige, or khaki for The Corinthian. He wears dress blazers and trenches with most of his looks, so as long as you have one of the above, you’re good to go.
3. The Corinthian Closet Cosplay: The Polo
The shirt is probably the least important aspect of cosplay. You can wear any shirt under the blazer, and slick your hair back. and don the shades… and you’re set. But if you want to go the extra mile, a brown or grey polo shirt will tie the look together. And again- versatile. A polo shirt is a great piece of wardrobe to own.
4. The Corinthian Closet Cosplay: The Slacks
Seeing a theme here? Most of The Corinthian’s wardrobe is business casual chic. You can wear any pants with any shirt and any shoes. But if you’re looking for options, these slacks are really nice.
5. The Corinthian Closet Cosplay: The Shoes
What can I say… I’m a sucker for a gorgeous shoe. The shoes are the LAST thing people will be looking at if you do your job right, but it’s always great to have options. A black dress shoe blends with anything in your closet and brings The Corinthian to life. Remember to scuff up the bottoms before you wear them out on the town- dress shows are notoriously slick on the bottom.
Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money for the rebuild of Dream’s palace, so… Don’t be too harsh on us!
That’s all she wrote, folks! We hope you have a great time this holiday season putting together the perfect Corinthian closet cosplay. Shoot us pictures of your look if you do, we want to see what you come up with!
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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