Warhammer 40K: The Lasgun – Defender of Humanity

Today we examine the single weapon most responsible for defending the Imperium and holding back the horrors of the universe – the humble and innumerable lasgun.
The Lasgun is an energy based weapon, and is the most common and widely used type of laser weapon in the Imperium. It is standard issue for all Imperial Guard infantry and most lower-ranked officers.
Las-Gun Basics
Lasguns are reliable, easy to maintain and produce, and are readily available on most Imperial worlds. They have longer range and higher ammunition capacity than a Laspistol (the laspistol power packs having roughly 80 shots before depletion, compared to roughly 150 shots for a lasgun), but are nowhere near as powerful as a Lascannon. They also lack the rapid-fire quality of the Multi-laser or the Hellgun.
The lasgun uses the same basic technology and operates along the same lines as other laser weapons, emitting a beam of focused light. The high amount of energy in the beam causes the immediate surface area of a target to be vaporized in a small explosion. It is a relatively unimpressive weapon when compared to other weapons in the Imperium, but is still capable of cleanly severing limbs or piercing the power armour of a Space Marine (but only through a vulnerable spot in the armour). Most designs have iron sights mounted along the top of the weapon. It is powered by a small, rechargeable power pack located beneath the weapon, in front of the trigger guard.
There are thousands of pattern and variants of the Las-gun manufactured across the Imperium. Here are some of the most well known.
Famous Las-gun Models
The M35 M-Galaxy Short Pattern
The M35 M-Galaxy Short pattern is the standard variant of lasgun
- Weight: 2.3 kg
- Length: 900 millimetres
- Magazine Type: 19 megathule range (rechargable)
- Type of Fire: Single shot or fully automatic
- Rate of Fire (cyclic): 220 shots per minute
- Shot Intensity: low to high
- Sights: adjustable, back and front sights with optional laser sight/integral optics
M36 Kantrael Pattern
The M36 Kantrael Pattern Lasrifle is the standard variant for the Cadian Shock Troopers and the Severan Dominate.
Kantrael MG “Short” Pattern
The Kantrael MG ‘Short’ pattern was the standard variant issued to Cadian Shock Troopers deployed to Betalis III.
Mk 4 Lascarbine
The Mk 4 lascarbine is the standard variant for the Catachan Jungle Fighters.
Lucius M98 Pattern
The signature weapon of the Death Korps of Krieg, the Lucius-pattern lasgun operates in the 21 megathoule range, but is designed to draw from a standard Munitorum-issue power pack. Consequently, the Lucius lasgun discharges a more powerful shot, but drains the power pack at a correspondingly increased rate. This also puts a great strain on the weapon, limiting the rate of fire and requiring such features as additional heat sink rings lining the exterior of the barrel. Even with such considerations, an over-taxed Lucius lasgun can quickly overheat. The added danger of the weapon overheating does not perturb the famously stoic Krieg.
Mars Pattern
The Mars pattern is used by the Tallarn Desert Raiders.
Accatran MkIV Pattern
Often employed by Elysian Drop Troop regiments, the Accatran MkIV is a bullpup-style lasgun with an integrated lamp pack. The lamp pack is powered by the same power cell that provides the lasgun’s ammunition, but the power draw is so small as to be negligible. The compact design of the weapon is due in part to the power cell’s location in the stock. The smaller profile of the Accatran MkIV is perfectly suited to the drop missions Elysian regiments often undertake, easily manoeuvred at short range or fired from the hip. Further, its lighter design allows wielders to carry other equipment in place of the extra bulk, which can be particularly vital for regiments that favour grav-chutes as a means of deployment
Triplex Phall M-Galaxy Pattern
This pattern is produced on Triplex Phall Forge World. This pattern is finely crafted, offering superior accuracy and alternative firing modes.
Ryza Pattern
This pattern is produced on Ryza Forge World. The simple sturdy design was extremely common in the Imperium’s early days, before being replaced by today’s ubiquitous M35 pattern.
Merovich Assault Pattern
Designed purely for close range assaults, this gun is heavily reinforced and has a bayonet built into its short and heavy frame. Slots for two power packs are included so the gun can switch to a fresh pack with no reloading. Since the firefights it’s designed for are typically over long before two packs are exhausted, it serves its design perfectly.
Vostroyan Pattern
The Vostroyan Pattern Lasgun is used by the Vostroyan Firstborn. The weapons are known for their fine hand-crafted detail. These lasguns are also often passed down as prized heirlooms.
Las-gun Ammunition
Lasgun ammunition, called “Power Packs”, are what provide the weapon’s laser emitters with energy. They come in several types and sizes. Types include: short, long, sickle-pattern, box-form, drum, and backpack. Sizes range from 1 to 5. Weapons designed for a particular size cannot use other standard sizes. “Hotshot” packs, of the same size, provide more powerful but less numerous shots. Power packs store vast amounts of energy via the use of liquid metal cores.
The pack can be recharged in many ways, including sunlight or even being left slightly inside of a camp fire (although this method will damage the power pack, shortening its lifespan and increase its failure rate). It can also be “overcharged,” a trick used by Guard veterans that causes the pack to explode, turning the weapon into a makeshift grenade. This tactic is only used in last-ditch situations, as it results in the destruction of the weapon. The resultant explosion, however, is powerful enough to crack open the frontal armor of a Chaos Dreadnought.
Learn of even more Las-gun Patterns
~ Let us offer up prayers to the Omnissiah for providing us with such a deadly tool – and in limitless numbers.