Critical Role Releases New Album – ‘Welcome to Wildemount’

Critical Role continues their conquest of all media with a new release, this time another new music album. Welcome to Wildemount.
Critical Role’s media empire expands. This time they break into the music biz with the release of a second full album under their very own record label: Scanlan Shorthalt Music.
Scanlan Shorthalt Music takes its name from the infamous bard of Crit Role’s Vox Machina, Scanlan Shorthalt. As played by Sam Riegel, Shorthalt was a gnome Bard with a penchant for songs with deceptively dirty lyrics.
The new album, Welcome to Wildemount, is Shorthalt Music’s second full-length soundtrack album. And it’s available now for purchase and streaming at your favorite major music platform.
Critical Role Releases Welcome to Wildemount – Music for Your Game
On the heels of the inaugural album, Welcome to Tal’Dorei, this release explores another continent of Exandria known as Wildemount—a rugged land home to much of the adventures of The Mighty Nein, adventuring party of Critical Role Campaign 2.
Led by Critical Role’s Creative Director and co-founder Marisha Ray, as well as Senior Producer Maxwell James, this album features over an hour of original music with 20 new tracks created by the returning team of composers—Omar Fadel, Colm McGuinness, and the team at Hexany Audio—as well as stunning album art by Kent Davis. Tracks include:
- “Welcome to Wildemount” Colm McGuinness
- “Stroll Through Nicodranas” Omar Fadel
- “Reefs of Darktow” Omar Fadel
- “The Amber Road” Omar Fadel
- “The Luxon” Omar Fadel
- “Trouble at the Docks” Matthew Carl Earl (Hexany Audio)
- “Passage to Xhorhas” Omar Fadel
- “Back to the Blooming Grove” Steven Grove (Hexany Audio)
- “Smoke Fills the Room” Colm McGuinness
- “The Volstruckers” Colm McGuinness
- “The Crownsguard” Omar Fadel
- “The Aurora Watch” Matthew Carl Earl (Hexany Audio)
- “Echoes of Aeor” Omar Fadel
- “At the Gates of Bazzoxan” Omar Fadel
- “Orphanmaker” Colm McGuinness
- “The Hag’s Hovel” Matthew Carl Earl (Hexany Audio)
- “Rise of Uk’otoa” Omar Fadel
- “Above the Living Rooftops” Colm McGuinness
- “Neo-Somnovem Incarnate” Colm McGuinness
- “Hupperdook Tavern” Omar Fadel
This album is an audio journey through Wildemount. You’ll find tracks for the environment, for different heroic moments. All the epicness of Wildemount is captured in these 20 tracks.
Try it today on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, and all other major digital music platforms.
Happy (Audio) Adventuring