D&D: An Adventurer’s Guide To Kitiara Uth Matar

Once a Great Knight, now one of the greatest servants of the Queen of Dragons, Kitiara Uth Matar cuts an imposing swath on Krynn.
Known at times as the Blue Lady or Dark Lady, the former Solamnic Knight known as Kitiara Uth Matar was one of the most infamous figures in the War of the Lance.
Kitiara Uth Matar would rise from humble beginnings to world-shaking importance. But before she was the Dark Lady, before she was Dragon Highlord of the Dragon Army, she was a dark-eyed, curly haired girl growing up in the city of Solace. There she lived with her mother, step-father, and two brothers, Caramon and Raistlin Majere.
Kitiara Uth Matar – Early Life
Kitiara was born in the city of Palanthas to Gregor Uth Matar and Rosamun Aelan. Her mother was kind, generous, and caring. But her father, Gregor, was a rogue and bandit like no other. By the time Kitiara, or Kit, as she was more commonly called, was 7, Gregor left. Wanderlust and the desire for fortune and fame pulled him away from his family.
And all he left Kit with, was her lopsided, roguish grin. Rosamun settled in Solace with the woodcutter Gilon Majere. And if not for the fact that Rosamun soon was due to give birth to two boys, Caramon and Raistlin, she would have left.
Instead, Kit ended up helping to raise her half-brothers. She taught herself how to cook, sew, and mend whatever needed mending. She got Caramon his first sword, and even gave Raistlin his name, plucking it from the stories of a clever hero that her father had once told her.
Eventually, as the boys grew old enough to look after themselves, Kit left. She became a mercenary, and led a life of some tragedy.
During one particular misadventure, her friends were killed at sea, and Kit jumped ship rather than be blamed for their deaths.
While hiding out at a farm, she happened to come across a man who knew her father—knew and betrayed him. leaving him to die. Though she killed her father’s betrayer, she never learned what happened to him.
And when she returned to Solace, Rosamun lay dying.
With little tying her to Solace, she left again. And while adventuring met Tanis Half-Elven, and the two became fast friends.
From Companion of the Lance to Dragon Highlord
Kit and Tanis returned again to Solace, and this time, found friends. Her brothers, now grown, had a group of fellow adventurers known as the Companions. For a time, life in the Companions was good. But happiness would not last long for Kitiara Uth Matar.
During this time, she had a daughter born of a frustrated seduction. This left her out of the Companions for a time. And though Kit didn’t stay to raise her son, Steel Brightblade, she sent money and gifts to the woman raising him.
Instead, Kit pursued stories she had heard about a general named Duulket Ariakas. Ariakas was a warrior and wielder of dark magic, chosen by Takhisis herself to be his champion. Ariakas was the Commander-in-Chief of the Dragon Armies.
Impressed with Kit’s demeanor, he sent her on her first mission: recruiting a red dragon named Immolatus.
Much to everyone’s surprise, Kitiara Uth Matar survived. With her new recruit, Kit was given the rank of Commander and a little more free rein. Kitiara and Immolatus were sent to the town of Hope’s End to search for the eggs of Metallic Dragons.
When Immolatus betrayed the Dragon Queen’s plan, Kit stepped in, working with her brothers in secret to kill the red dragon she had recruited.
In this moment, Kitiara saw and believed in the majest of Takhisis, Queen of Darkness.
Kitiara Uth Matar – The Blue Lady
Not long after, Kitiara became part of the Blue Dragonarmy, and before long, after the leadership was slain in battle, Kit became the Dragon Highlord of the Blue Dragonarmy.
And so it was that Kitiara Uth Matar entered the War of the Lance on the side of Takhisis.
Kitiara was at the vanguard of the Blue Dragonarmy’s invasion of Solamnia. Under her command, Takhisis’ forces conquered Kalaman, Hinterlund, and Nightlund. And indeed, because of her success, managed to avoid coming into conflict with her former companions. At least for a time.
Instead, she was instrumental in carrying out the plots of the newly crowned Emperor Ariakas. Ariakas sent Kit to undermine the Knights of Solamnia from within. As well as investigating the death of Highlord Verminaard, which brought her once more into contact with the Companions of the Lance.
Kitiara fought her brothers’ companions across the lands of Krynn. She managed to slay Sturm Brightblade, the father of her child. And she led a flight of blue dragons against the High Clerist’s Tower.
She was instrumental in many of the successes had by the Dragonarmies. She captured the elven princess Laurana, fought with her former lover Tanis Half-Elven, and would have brought both to Lord Soth. Except Tanis managed to escape, striking down Emperor Ariakas with Raistlin’s aid.
And though she would ultimately be defeated in the War of the Lance, that was not the end of Kit’s story.
The Blue Lady’s War
After the War of the Lance, the Blue Lady forged an uneasy truce with the Knights of Solamnia. In 356 AC, she met with Raistlin in the Tower of High Sorcery and learn of his plans to become a god by killing Takhisis.
She tried to stop his plans, putting Lord Soth in motion, but Raistlin traveled back in time. But while the archmage was away, Kitiara began a campaign to kill the wizard Dalamar.
During the battle, however, Kitiara was mortally wounded. And when she finally died, Lord Soth himself appeared to claim her body. Her corpse is kept preserved in repose near Soth’s throne.
So ends the tale of the Blue Lady of Krynn