Games Workshop PSA: Shipping Dates For Christmas Time

Games Workshop is putting out a friendly Public Service Announcement about shipping dates for the upcoming holiday.
With Christmas rapidly approaching (because that’s how time works) GW has put out a friendly reminder about shipping and dates. If you want to get your presents under your tree in time then you might want to order before the dates listed.
Games Workshop Christmas Shipping Dates
“These dates are different worldwide, but we’ve compiled them here for convenience. Please note that these are UPS shipping dates – local mail services may be slightly different.”
Again, these are the compiled dates based on the UPS shipping times. Honestly, this is probably really good info to have just in general for ordering stuff from them online. If you miss the window from the dates above you can always try your local FLGS or Warhammer Store for in person shopping. If you’re really looking for something specific I recommend calling ahead. Put in your orders as soon as possible if you’re worried about shipping, too!
The AoS Battleforce Pre-orders are up right now and the 40k ones are coming this weekend. If you want ANY of these you might want to place your Pre-order with GW or call your FLGS and get on their list ASAP. Shipping this year has been…interesting. So if you’re looking to make that big splash under the tree remember the dates above!
Safest bet for any online orders is to place them sooner rather than later…if you want it before Christmas!