Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Backpackin’ Heat

We’ve got a new Rumor Engine to analyse and this one’s packing some heat! What could this one possibly be? Time to take a look and find out.
It’s Tuesday once again which means it’s a brand new Rumor Engine from Games Workshop. Can you feel the sense of awe and wonder? No? Maybe just the wonder then. In any case we’ve got a new image to dissect. So you really should study up before we get into our crazy ideas once again.
“While purifying the Rumour Engine, we found what looks like a diary from a previous team.
Day 112: Several Rumour Engineers have reported hearing voices while close to the machine, although I’ve yet to confirm it myself. It’s unlikely the recent Chaos-related images have anything to do with it – current output seems fine.”
I’m not sure what the quote from the WarCom site has to do directly with this image…but we like to include those anyhow. There’s certainly a bit of a meta-story going on in that regard. But let’s get to the image.
Clearly, it’s backpack or satchel or something used to carry stuff. And in this case, that stuff happens to be guns. It really reminds me of the Leagues of Votann Hernkyn Pioneers and their holsters for their guns:
The design is almost identical. The main difference is that this Rumor Engine only has 3 shells vs the 4 in the full image. But even the belt buckle is the same…What could this mean?
It could be something else Imperial as the Leagues of Votann are kind of Imperial-Adjacent. Or it could mean there’s a new batch of Leagues of Votann miniatures on the way. I’m kind of leaning towards the latter explanation. I’ve had the sneaking suspicion that the initial Leagues of Votann army release was a little light on units. Specifically character options.
Don’t get me wrong, you can build an army out of the range for sure — it just seems like there’s a few more unit types that could fit in their army pretty easily. But we’re getting off topic — the point is the Rumor Engine sure looks like another Leagues of Votann release. Now, what do you think?
If you’ve got any theories about this Rumor Engine drop them in the comments and let us know what you think this one could be!