Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K – Revived CSM Creations of Bile

Goatboy here and as you read on Monday I did pretty well at the Kansas City GW Open. Here’s my tweaked CSM Creations of Bile list that did great!
I really liked the massed Possessed list and while it did well I do think I have some ways to make it well – better. What did well was it performed awesomely as a board control list. It had a ton of bodies, a lot of wounds, and just hit and controlled the board pretty well. On top of that it still hit back very hard as anything that got close – it well chewed up.
Hello Termies & Possessed
Heck the only things it was scared of in combat seemed to be some of the bigger Daemon options that hit like a freight train of death. The bigger units of Possessed allowed me to pull models efficiently when dealing with bigger threats and let me hit back with the fight on Death well. The only things that seemed to be lacking in the initial list was some of the other threats that just didn’t work out nearly as well as I wanted too. I also had issues with trying to keep the bonus options going when my Terminators got to far ahead of their “leaders”.
This leads me into thinking while the 30 possessed do the dirty work of dying, getting in the way, and jumping on my enemy I sure needed another unit to get all the buffs that the Terminators like. But without the added cost of being Terminators. Thus the reworked idea of fitting in 10 Chosen and a Rhino they can conveniently hide in as needed. Plus the Rhino lets me have a sacrificial Overwatch partner.
I am keeping with one battalion as it just seems to feel right and while I loved the Master of Executions – I didn’t really need him nearly as much of the time. I can set up a kind of mini one in the Chosen with a Trophy of the Long war that also mixes in some of the fun bonuses I get from the unit having an ICON and Worshipping Slaanesh.
With that – will get on with the list.
CSM Creations of Bile Dump Trunk of Wounds List Version 2
Chaos Space Marine Battalion
Legion: Creations of Bile
Master of Possession – Mark of Slaanesh, Relic (-1CP) – Liber Hereticus – 120pts
Dark Apostle – Mark of Slaanesh, Warlord – 110pts
Cultist Mob X 10 – 50pts
Cultist Mob X 10 – 50pts
Legionaries X 5 – 90pts
Chaos Terminators X 10 – Mark of Slaanesh, Heavy Flamer X 2, Chainfist X 2, Trophy of the Long War (-1CP) – Black Rune of Damnation – 365pts
Chosen X 10 – Mark of Slaanesh, Powerfist X 2, Icon, Trophy of the Long War (-1CP) – Blade of the Relentless – 270pts
Possessed X 10 – Ion – 285pts
Possessed X 10 – Ion – 285pts
Possessed X 10 – Ion – 285pts
-Dedicated Transport-
Chaos Rhino – Combi-Bolter X 2, Havok Launcher – 90pts
PTs: 2000 CP: 3
Using the Creations of Bile List
This is a pretty simple list and by adding a Rhino full of Chosen it gives me a bit more play. I have my sacrificial box/wall/etc that move my unit of murder bois out and ready to do some damage as needed. It also gives me something else to block some of those gaps I see when playing on the GW terrain and other event options. It also is another unit that can get the Stratagems thrown on them, Prayers get thrown on them, and even some Psychic bits of fun as my Terminators move and hold the centerline. Yes I give up No Prisoners pretty easily but with the bigger 10-man units it is a lot harder to get Grind them Down.
We’ll talk about the competitive environment next week and some of things I saw fighting around on the grand battle scape that is Warhammer 40k.