Horus Heresy: Scorpius Missile Tank On The Horizon

Get your target data locked in because the Scorpius Missile Tank is about to unleash hell on the tabletop in the Horus Heresy!
Games Workshop is bringing another blast to the past with the upcoming Scorpius Missile Tank for the Horus Heresy:
“What you really need is a hefty dose of suppressing fire, and what better way to pin your foes than under the explosive rain of a Scorpius Missile Tank barrage?”
Built on top of the Deimos Rhino Chassis the Scorpius Missile Tank brings the boom in fun ways. It’s weapon system is a massive missile launcher that can fire off as a Barrage weapon — meaning it doesn’t need direct line of sight!
It also has a special Rocket Barrage it can fire off that provide it with a Rending 4+ and the Pinning special rules.
GW has a nasty tip about using this in conjunction with the Return Fire reaction for some extra fun. Keep those suckers pinned with a devastating salvo of your own rockets!
Design-wise I like the shape of this weapon system. Clearly, it’s precursor to the Whirlwind but the weapon looks a lot more like the Missile Launchers that the Space Marine squads carry:
I really like that design and this is a great way for GW to unify everything together with another great looking kit.
This new Plastic Kit for the Scorpius Missile Tank is coming soon from GW and will be available to add into your Horus Heresy forces.