Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Announcement & Trailer

Atomic Mass Games brings a new miniatures game to the table. Say “hello there“ to Star Wars: Shatterpoint!
Asmodee and Atomic Mass Games are bringing a new miniatures game to the skirmish scene. Star Wars: Shatterpoint is slated for a June 2023 release! Take a look at this trailer:
Here’s a look at the official Press Release:
So that’s the official press release and trailer. That’s all the info we currently how. Now, let’s start with the WILD SPECULATION!
So taking a look at the trailer a few things pop out. First up, check out those bases:
Compare those to Star Wars: Legion bases:
Notice anything…different? Without anything like a recognizable die or measuring tape to compare, we don’t know the exact scale of things…but what we can say for certain is that those aren’t Star Wars: Legion bases. In fact, they look a whole lot like another Atomic Mass Games series…
Yeah…Those bases look a whole lot like they are the same scale as Marvel: Crisis Protocol. And who owns both Marvel and Star Wars again?
Hmm…Interesting. And this new Star Wars: Shatter point is a “miniatures skirmish game” also? Well that’s also interesting. Man, it sure would be funny if these two games could, I dunno, be played against each other or something. We don’t have a look at the rules or anything but how funny would that be? We’d have a whole new Warmahordes situation going on. And what studio did Will Shick, the director of product development at AMG, work at before he join/launched AMG?
Look, I’m not saying that Marvel: Crisis Protocol and Star Wars: Shatterpoint will have crossplay or be compatible with each other. It’s just that:
- the base are similar
- the scale looks about right
- Disney owns both properties
- and they got Will Shick on this project
Again — this is all speculation. If we got a look at a stat card or die or any other info about the game we’ll be able to have a better idea. That said, if you read the press release, this sticks out a bit:
“The design and development of the Star Wars: Shatterpoint miniatures game is really our love letter to the excitement and energy of being a kid on Saturday mornings,” said Will Shick, director of product development at AMG. “We wanted to take all the great things about Star Wars—the action, the adventure, and the iconic characters—to create a Star Wars miniatures game experience that felt like it had come straight out of the animated lineups of the ’80s and ’90s.“
You know what would be the most “kid on Saturday morning watching cartoons and playing with action figures” energy ever? Yeah. Exactly.
Make it happen AMG.