These D&D Accessories Definitely Aren’t Mimics

None of these D&D accessories are actually Mimics. Probably. We’re like 86% sure. Maybe have somebody else poke them first just to be sure.
Mimics can be anywhere or look like anything, and it’s one of the best and most meme-able things about them. Is that chest a mimic? How about that pot? What about that chair? Surely this pillow is safe. These D&D accessories lean into this joke with items that look like mimics but probably aren’t actually mimics. Probably. We’re pretty sure.
1. Not a Mimic Stickers

Have you found an item that’s definitely not a mimic? Mark it so future adventurers know. Of course, a smart mimic would change themself into an item with one of these stickers on it already… So maybe double-check if you see these out in the wild. And keep a list of what items you’ve marked as safe. Just in case. There’s also these stickers for items you’re a little less sure about.
2. Building Block Mimic Kit

Whether you’re a kid or an adult, you may enjoy putting together a miniature building block mimic of your own. The 330 set piece looks like the classic toothy treasure chest, and once it’s assembled makes a perfect decoration. Unfortunately, it probably won’t be a good mini for your game because at 17cm tall it would definitely be the largest chest mimic ever. But maybe your players deserve to meet a gigantic mimic…
3. Miniature Mimic

If you’re a DM, know a DM who can always use a few more monsters, or just enjoy collecting monster minis, this colony of definitely very normal everyday D&D objects might be your next mini additions. Do they look a little weird with those extra teeth and mouths and stuff? I dunno, let’s just not think about it too much. I’m sure it’s fine. You’ll be fine. And while we’re on the subject, let’s not talk about why this houses seems to have an angry looking mouth, either.
4. Mimic Plush

Considering that this mimic is six inches tall and as full of fluff as Pooh Bear, I think it’s a fair bet that this particular mimic is pretty safe. In fact, you can probably keep it right on your bed. Where you sleep. It’s probably mostly harmless, but maybe this is the sort of scarecrow your D&D dice need to remind them who’s in charge and to stay in line.
5. Creepy Mimic Dice Box

This may be the most realistic mimic on this list, and one of the most functional. This box will hold about five sets of dice and keep them secure with a latch close. But the detailing on this is what really gets me. The mouthy inside, the huge bloody teeth, and the grimy wood paneling are all beautifully designed details. This dice box will be the talk of your table, but your players may be nervous about taking dice out.
Do you have any mimic-themed D&D accessories? Did any of our picks make it onto your wish list? What’s your favorite D&D monster? Let us know in the comments!
Happy adventuring!