The Senate’s in Session for this ‘Andor’ Mon Mothma Closet Cosplay

The war continues and galactic conspiracy thrives- we’re showing support with this Mon Mothma closet cosplay!
Star Wars is back in a big way with the recent drop of Andor. The story sees the resurgence of Mon Mothma, and HO BOY do we love that lady’s looks. She sweeps across the room and wins over crowds with her calm confidence, so today we’re throwing on the power suits for this closet cosplay setup!
Mon Mothma is seen in the Senate chambers speaking up for her cause, and it’s this look we’re tackling for this closet cosplay brainstorm. Though there isn’t a lot of subject matter to go on visually, we’ve put together a few ideas you might consider if you’re putting together a Mon Mothma cosplay.
1. Mon Mothma Closet Cosplay: The Gown
The internet is a marvelous place, isn’t it? A simple search on Amazon produces this gown which exists already! If you’re looking for quick and easy cosplay with no effort, this is the gown for you! It’s ridiculously inexpensive, which will allow you to build as many details as you like to round it out.
Again, the internet yields a one-stop-shop! If you want to do Mon Mothma but more fancy, check this gown out. Satin isn’t a forgiving fabric, so make sure you check the sizing before buying. We can’t guarantee the quality of something like this bought online, but it’s not a bad place to start for quick and easy!
2. Mon Mothma Closet Cosplay: The Jacket
This item is hard to find off the rack since the look is so specific. If you’re trying to create a look that’s versatile, gets the point across, and can be used again, consider this style of jacket. A dress blazer, as long as it’s the right color, will stand nicely for Mon Mothma.
Another jacket that is fierce, professional, and commands authority. This jacket can be used for regular businesswear, cosplay, or anything else.
3. Mon Mothma Closet Cosplay: The Brooch
You need a little bit of bling to drive home the Mon Mothma look. Any square brooch will do, or at least a pretty dangling chain across the chest. gotta love some strategically draped chains to tie a cosplay together.
Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to fund our clone army. Oh wait, that’s not right, is it? Hmm. Well anyways, we need those monies, empirical credits just aren’t what they used to be!
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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