‘Vampire Survivors’ 1.10 Update Adds More Hectic Goodness

Vampire Survivors just got its first major update. Even during early access, it was an instant hit. And it’s not done yet.
Vampire Survivors had its official release in October and I would argue should be nominated for Indie Game Of the Year. Granted, it did technically release last year. We were even talking about Vampire Survivors back in January, and some of the spin-offs from this brand-new genre. But it really only made an impact this year.
Regardless, it’s still chugging along with a brand-new content update.
If you haven’t been keeping up with Vampire Survivors, it is time to go back. There is so much more additional content, and this latest update adds even more.
The new bridge level will test even the best’s skills. It’s unlocked by reaching Level 80 in Inverse Gallo Tower. Such a narrow and just horizontal map like this will be great for weapons like whips, fire wands, and knives. Goes without saying axe probably wouldn’t be as useful.
This Vampire Survivors update also adds Seals. Sadly, not the adorable water pups, but weapon seals. According to the patch notes, “When Sealing a weapon, it will be automatically added to the list of banished weapons at the start of a run. When Sealing an item, the item will not be removed from the loot table, but will turn into a Gold Coin instead, which means this does not affect standard drop rates.”
This gives players a more fine-tuned way of playing. Which is definitely something a game like Vampire Survivors could do well with.
Vampire Survivors is a great game that really came out of nowhere. It spawned a whole new subgenre and many imitators. But this latest Vampire Survivors update, so soon after release, really shows how much more we can expect out of this indie classic.