Warhammer 40K: Astra Militarum ‘Cadia Stands’ Points Breakdown

If you’ve been wondering how many points the new Cadia Stands box will get you then you’ve come to the right place.
We got on hands on the new boxed set for Cadia Stands and we built a bunch of the models to show off. We’ve also done a pricing breakdown to show why this box is a really good deal. Typically, we’d also add up all the points based on the Munitorum Field Manual. But the points from that aren’t updated yet. So we figured …what the heck! We have the book — we’ll just do it ourselves.
Cadia Stands Point Breakdown
Cadian Command Squad = 75 points + Wargear
2x Cadian Shock Troopers = 65 points x 2 = 130
Field Ordnance Battery = 130 points (for two models – it comes in a unit of 2)
Armored Sentinel = 45 points + Wargear / Scout Sentinel = 40 points + Wargear
Points Total = 380 + Wargear or 375 + Wargear (with the Scout Sentinel)
That’s…not a ton of points. On the plus side, GW did put together some example lists. Just to give you an idea of what you could build with the Astra Militarum.
The good news is that with this box you could really go in a lot of different directions. Obviously, if you wanted to chew up a bunch of points you could start by adding in a ton of armor units like Leman Russes (150 points base) and Baneblades (variants between 390-450 + wargear) or the new Rogal Dorn (250 points base) tank.
Maybe you’ve been eyeing the new Attilan Rough Riders. Good news — those clock in at 20 points per model! That’s a good way to chew up some points quick and they look cool. I don’t know how practical those will be in the Grimdark but hey, we’re just gonna let it ride.
It’s cool to see that Games Workshop has just rolled the price of the Cadians and Catachans Squads special weapons into the units as well. Even with weapon upgrades those units are just flat costs at 65 and 70 points respectively. Alternatively, Infantry Squads are also 10 men for 65 points but you have to pay for a plasma pistol and/or power sword at 5 point each.
On the plus side, those Infantry squads do have the option for a heavy weapon team…and there’s no points adjustment for that. 65 points for a multi-wound lascannon could work.
The point is that this box is a good start to an army or a nice way to add in some new models for an existing one. However, if you’re looking to make the trip to 2000 points, you’re gonna want to plan to make some more purchases. Decide what style of Astra Militarum army you want to play and prepare accordingly. And if you want to get an infantry heavy army up and running be prepared for a whole lot of buying, building, and painting.
The army set is sub 400 points + Wargear options. You’re going to have to add more than just water to get this army to grow!