Warhammer 40K Hot Mess – Drop Pod!

Do you remember when 40K Drop Pods were… gasp good? I don’t, and we need to fix that.
Do you remember the old days when Drop Pods were just FW models – or gasp just random Plastic Plumbing models? Do you have dreams of coming down from space, kicking out a blast door, and boltering your way to freedom?
Man it feels just like yesterday when the fear of a bunch of drop pods raining down, covering the field in metallic waste, filled with angry bolter fire, and just full of murderous intent! Now they are sitting there on your shelf with all the other firstborn marine stuff. Just sad little pieces of plastic wondering when they will become good again. Wondering if a Primaris friend will ride with them and hoping their book comes out strong in the wake of 10th edition. Well my friends – let’s work on making Drop Pods decent again!
I would like ten tickets to ride the Drop Pod please!
Let Drop Pods Take Everyone for a Ride!
Ok you need to be able to take any kind of Space Marine for a Drop Pod ride. There shouldn’t be a Primaris version of this – it just needs to be added to their keyword options and let you ride the space rollercoaster of doom into a planet. It just makes sense and would let the Drop Pod do what it needs to do – take Marines in the most violent way to the planet.
Make Em Do More Damage!
Hey isn’t it crazy how this giant vehicle can’t come down and squish people? Why not let it do some kind of spray attack as it hits the ground? Or maybe basically a flamer spray of damage as it scorches into the earth ready to say – this is my hill and I am going to shoot my storm bolter at you lazily. I always wanted them to do some kind of AOE attack as they land nearby. Heck let Marines come out of it super close but they can’t assault just to strike the fear in players when the Drop Pod death whistle is heard as it comes from orbit.
Give Them Cooler Weapons!
How about fill Drop Pods full of missiles? Instead of Marines it just comes down, blows out a ton of frag missiles, and says eat it Xenos scum! Or why not just give it a cooler bolter like weapon that isn’t a crappy storm bolter? Let it be cool with something uniquely awesome and add Blood to the name of the weapon to make it even more extreme.
Let Drop Pods Do Cool Assault Stuff!
How about if guys come out of it and try to make an assault the enemy being assault can’t overwatch because of the overspray of dust? Or how about they give out cover from the sheer destroyed ground around? Or some other kind of offensive ability if someone wants to choose to do it out of the drop pod. There are so many cool cinematic moments you can create with a giant space bullet that lands and vomits out a ton of marines.
Let Me Take Drop Pods Again!
Let the Marines go back to being cool using Drop Pods like it was the early 2000’s. Don’t make them free just make them good again. All the ones in my room gathering dust misses screaming down from the sky full of murderous goodness.
Let us know how you would fix the unit, down in the comments!