Warhammer 40K Hot Mess – Eversor Assassin!

Why do the Assassins feel like – they should just do more? They feel like a group of murder hobos that never murder their target too well? Enter the Eversor Assassin.
How many times have we read a story where the Eversor Assassin is the perfect murder machine? The crazy monster of nightmares that comes out of the shadows and silently puts the knife to the throat of the planetary Governor. Instead we get this weird combat monster that can do combat ok but gets bogged down by well – the enemies in the way? How do we make the Eversor Assassin a monster he should always have been?
First – he needs to pick a character as his target. It sets up a ton of other cool options in his toolkit of rules. You can do this with all the Assassins and give a little bit of fluff/story you can utilize to forge the narrative of murdering the enemy.
Let’s Fix the Whole – Can’t Make a Charge
Alright this guy picks a target and should be a cannon ball of death into said target. He already assaults 3d6 why not make it something like 2d3+6 – so he can show up and almost guarantee his 9 inch charge. Heck just let him always charge that way for everything so when he wants to get there he can get there. Oh and give him a reroll if he is charging his intended target he picks at the start of the game.
Amp Up His Damage
First all his weapons should be damage 2 and not 1. Then if he picks a target his damage goes to 3 with the ability to do mortal wounds on hit’s of 6. Then he should just have exploding 6’s to hit with something like 2 hits per 6. On top of all the extra attacks he gets for killing more things. Oh and he gets more attacks to hit his Target character he needs to murder. He needs to kill whatever he hits when he hits it.
Give Them Cooler Weapons!
I said he needs to do more damage but all of his guns need to be better too. Just let the Eversor Assassin spray a crap ton more bullets – heck give it like an aura effect when he comes in. All units within 12 inches gets 3d6 shots from his gun as he sprays you with the righteous fury of the Emperah!
Let the Eversor Explode REAL Good!
This guy needs to explode real good when he dies. Do something along the lines of 3d3 mortal wounds you can divide up to units around him. This way you can pile the damage onto a specific unit – or a few of them if he goes in hot near a bunch of jobbers that are in the way of his murder spree.
Let me have a true Skull Face Murder Machine!
This guy needs to scream 40k nonsense as he races down the battlefield in his skin tight suit, skull mask he bought from Spirit Halloween, and demand he gets all the candy in your candy bowl. He needs to be rad and its up to GW to make him super Rad!
Let us know how you would fix the unit, down in the comments!