Warhammer 40K: Which Guard Troop Unit From The Codex Is Best (For You)
Take a look at the new troop choices in the new Astra Miliatrium Codex. But which is the best?
The Guard have a shiny new book. Despite some odd choices it does give you a ton of options. The book has expanded the choice of troops out to four. The core Infantry Squad is now joined by several regimental specific variations. Now its possible to mix and match freely, but surely all four options are not created equal? So I think its fair to take a look at the options and see what might be the best, and if some are good in corner cases. Obviously if you are trying to stick to a fluffy force, you choice might be made for you, so lets assume you aren’t. Lets take a look.
The Infantry Squad
The Infantry Squad remains the most basic troop choice in the book. At a current 65 pts its tied for the title of cheapest troop unit. 65 pts is more than the unit used to cost (with an old base cost of 40 at one point) but you do get free weapons and upgrades with that. Infantry Squads are the only Troop choice that can take a heavy weapon. I think it’s likely you’ll want a few of them. Given that they are free every infantry squad should have a special and heavy weapon. Every sergeant should also have a bolter and chainsword. They don’t do anything really special, but for the heavy weapon they are likely worth it, even if they do lose some moblity.
Cadian Shock Troops
Shock troops are tied at 65 pts with Infantry Squads as the cheapest troops. If you don’t want a heavy weapon Shock Troops are the unit for you. Instead of a heavy weapon they get two special weapons. This keeps them deadly at medium ranges and makes them more mobile. While the sergeant does have as many options as in the Infantry Squad, the Drum-fed Autogun he can take is a superior choice. On top of that they get the powerful Shock Troops rule, allowing them to do extra hits on 6s to hit (with lasguns/pistols). This potentially doubles their lasgun output compared to an infantry squad for essentially free.
Being Cadian also lets them be targeted by two stratagems, Vengeance for Cadia and Cadia Stands!. Neaither one is crazy, especially when used on Guard Infantry, but they could come in useful in a pinch. Combined they do give the unit a little extra bonus.
Death Korps Of Krieg
At 75 pts base the Death Korps is the most expensive of the core units. You do get some nice things for this cost however. The unit is unique in being able to take 3 special weapons, though one, and only that one, must be a plasma gun. This makes the unit able to pack quite a close range punch. For 5pts they can trade the plasma gun for medi-pack. Being able to ignore one failed save a turn seems nice… but Guardsmen (especially Krieg) aren’t meant to stay alive. I think I’d keep the extra gun.
Outside of the three weapons I don’t know they have much going for them. Their Death Korps rule lets them ignore wound roles of 1-2. I don’t think that’s all that good. 1s already fail, so its 2’s you are looking at. Given that a lot of the high volume weapons you are going to worry about wound you on 3s I’m not sure this is all that useful. However if you want a tougher Infantry unit this is the one for you and assigning one or two to sit on an objective might be worth it. They don’t even get a stratagem.
Catachan Jungle Fighters
Catachan’s are the unit you likely aren’t going to see. Like ever. At 70 pts they are more expensive than the basic Infantry Squad and Cadians. For that extra 5 points they get… well nothing really. Their stats are the same. They can take two special weapons, but they must be flamers. Their sergeant can’t take any upgrades, so no bolter. In all these ways they are straight up worse than the other options. What they do get is Jungle Fighters, a rule given them an extra melee hit on 6s.
I mean… what? This is not a unit that is actually good in combat. They get one S3 attack each. With a max of 11 attacks you can expect to get one extra s3 hit. Even if you use brutal strength and some other options to make their attacks a little better its just not worth it. Compare this to Shock Troops, which gives you extra hits at range, with likely more shots (combined with FRFSRF) and combines well with Born Soldiers. I guess having a unit around makes your viscous traps a little better, but still. This is a bad unit.
So Which Is Best?
I think it’s not a huge shocker to say that Cadians really come out looking good here. They are cheap, get good options and have a really strong special rule. If you’re not planning on doing anything specific take them. After them the regular old Infantry Squad still has it uses. If you want more heavy weapons, you gotta go with them. Honestly you won’t regret it, they’ve still got things going on. Weather you want a cheap mortar or need some extra heavy shots they will take care of you.
In third place I’d put the DKoK. The Korps is a little more pricy and I don’t think their rule is as good, but they do get an extra special weapon. If you want a unit that can stick around for a little longer, or that you can rush forward somehow they are a good choice. I think you could take one or two just fine, but maybe not build your army around them. Lastly you have Jungle Fighters and… I just really don’t see a reason to ever take them. Maybe someone will find a reason, but for now they might be the most useless unit in the army.
Let us know what troop you think is best, down in the comments!