Warhammer 40k: Will We See Fulgrim & The Emperor’s Children Codex?

With the World Eaters and Angron’s imminent release around the corner we’re wondering if Fulgrim is next.
The human brain is pretty good at recognizing patterns. And Games Workshop is also been pretty good at repeating cycles. We’ve basically seen this happen twice before and are about to see it happen again. What am I talking about? The refresh of an iconic Chaos Space Marine Legion with their Daemon Primarch release, of course!
Magnus and Mortarion led the way with their respective Traitor Marines. And now Angron is poised to do it again with a new refresh to the World Eaters. That means new Berzerkers, new units, and of course the Daemon Prince Primarch Angron.
And of the classic 4 Cult Marines (you know, Plague Marines, Rubric Marines, Berzerkers, and Noise Marines) that only leaves 1 set left.
Yep, you got that right! The Noise Marines are the last batch to get an update via an Emperor’s Children Codex. And they also have a Daemon Prince Primarch floating around, too. Fulgrim has been mentioned a few times in various Chaos Space Marine codexes. So we know he’s active (albeit a background character…for now). Franky, I can’t wait to see his reincarnation for 40k, too.
EPIC Scale Fulgrim
I think an Emperor’s Children refresh is long overdue and I think the entire range could really be something cool and special. Think about all the Chaos Vehicles out there and how they could be modified with Sonic Blaster tech. That would be where I’d start with that process.
In fact, I think that the Emperor’s Children could even be the shootiest of all the Chaos Legions. I don’t know if they’d go that route or if they go with a more excessive slant for the Traitor Legion but you know that those discussions have happened at this point. I think it’s going to take a while. This would be a long tail project from GW, just like the Death Guard/Thousand Sons/World Eaters refreshed have been. But I’m excited to see what they come up with.
At this point, it’s only a matter of time, right? The question is just how much time at this point. You know the Emperor’s Children are on the way…eventually. The patterns are there if you look for them.
Anyone want to give us the over-under of how many years it will be before the Emperor’s Children get their own codex/army refresh? I’m going with 2 years.