Warhammer Preview Online Starts Tonight

This is a friendly PSA that there is a Warhammer Preview Online tonight and we’re already getting a teaser image!
Alright folks, set your alarms for a late night (or really early morning) depending on where you are. There’s a Warhammer Preview Online happening and it’s gonna be a good one.
It’s a bit of a funky time slot from their normal times but there you go! Just set your alarm so you don’t miss out tonight.
We also know the topics that Games Workshop is planning on touching on. We got our predictions going and now we also have a new Teaser to dissect.
Warhammer Preview Online Teaser
This one is from the Warhammer Community site. We’ve got even more hints on what to expect now! Let’s go down the list.
This looks like someone wielding a flail and possibly riding …something. The “mount” looks a bit mechanical as well. Could be 40k or AoS honestly. Perhaps this is part of the Necromunda reveals? I’m looking forward to this one!
What the heck is going on with this one? It looks like someone holding a lightning bolt which is a sigmar thing. Also possibly mounted? That headdress is also giving me major slaaneshi vibes but that icon behind them looks like a Git Bad Moon! This is a really weird mix of stuff and I have no idea what it could end up being.
Strangely this is the least mysterious image of the batch. Mostly because we know it’s got something to do with whatever Abaddon is up to.
I really want to see this model, too! Can’t wait for this reveal.
If I were a betting man I’d be willing to wager that this is a reveal for Warhammer: Underworlds. Pretty sure we’re getting a now Gloomspite Gitz Bad Moon Fan Warband. Probably more mushrooms, too.
The last image here is looks like something with antlers that have a skull and a helmet stuck on them. It also looks like someone with a pair of really large hands. My gut reaction was “Oh sweet Khorne Possessed!” But now I’m not too sure. It’s gotta be something 40k though, right? That looks kind of like a power pack and the army silhouette looks very 40k. Guess we’ll have to wait and see!
Tune in tonight to find out!