Warhammer 40K: Marneus Augustus Calgar And His Incredible Fists

The legendary deeds of the Chapter Master of the Ultramarines seem larger than life – but then, after crossing the Rubicon Primaris, so is Marneus Calgar.
The Chapter Master of the Ultramarines is an imposing figure to be certain, loremasters. To stand in his shadow is to stand in the face of any number of deeds that would, in another man, be too legendary to be believed. And yet for Marneus Augustus Calgar, feats of legend are part of his morning ablutions. Now the Chapter Master has undergone a terrifying procedure, transforming him from superhuman soldier, larger than a normal human and outfitted with special organs–to an even larger than normal human, outfitted with even more special organs.
Yes it’s true, now Chapter Master Calgar possesses Sinew Coils, a Magnificat, and Belisarian Furnace–organs that ensure he is stronger than ever, grows larger than ever, and is capable of regenerating from nearly any wounds. Truly, the Ultramarines have a powerful new weapon in the form of their Chapter Master. For in Calgar, the drawbacks of the Primaris–notably their inexperience–are overcome entirely. Here at last is a Primaris Warrior who knows how to best take advantage of his new body, using skills that have cut a bloody swath through the galaxy, laying waste to the Imperium’s foes.
During perhaps his most famous battle, the Battle of Macragge, Calgar stood against the Tyranids on Cold Steel Ridge, holding out against horde of xenos attackers. But the Tyranids were too many, and his body was rent and torn. Calgar faced down the Swarmlord, but due to his injuries was no match for the beast. Before he could be finished off, he was rescued by his fellow Ultramarines.
The Deeds of Marneus Calgar
Within a vault inside the Fortress of Hera are records devoted to the achievements and deeds of notable Ultramarines; twenty-eight volumes are devoted to Marneus Calgar, twice the number devoted to that of any other living Ultramarine, and unsurpassed by any other in the Chapter’s history except Roboute Guilliman himself. These achievements include
- Leading the breaching assault on the Tyranid Hive Ship designated Behemoth Primus during the Battle of Macragge.
- Single-handedly holding the gate against an Ork Horde for a night and a day at the Siege of Zalathras.
- Defeating an Eldar Avatar in single-handed combat, thus leading to the rout of Eldar forces at the Battle for Orar’s Sepulchre.
- Recapturing the star fort Indomitable from the daemonic hordes of M’kar the Reborn.
- Claiming data-records from the world of Thrax as it was being overrun by Daemons.
- Slaying the Swarmlord during the Battle of Ichar IV.
- Surviving a Night Lords ambush and rallying the populous of the Feudal World of Barathred to defeat hundreds of the traitorous Chaos Space Marines.
- Leading the reclamation of Damnos from the Necrons.
During the Ultramar Campaign, Calgar initially refused Belisarius Cawl‘s request to try and resurrect Roboute Guilliman, particularly due to the presence of Eldar among his expedition. However the Chaos assault and the words of Tigurius caused him to relent, and he fought alongside Saint Celestine and Voldus in holding back the Black Legion long enough for his Primarch to be reborn. The resurrected Roboute Guilliman charged Calgar to secure the rest of Ultramar from the Forces of Chaos as he embarked on the Terran Crusade.
Calgar Crosses the Rubicon Primaris
Remade into a Primaris Space Marine, Calgar remained Chapter Master of the Ultramarines throughout the ensuing Indomitus Crusade as Guilliman was occupied elsewhere. However, he was now known as Lord Defender of Greater Ultramar instead of Master of Ultramar. During the Plague Wars Calgar put down anti-Imperial uprisings and mutinies by the Ultramar Auxilia in the Illyrian region of Macragge. He later slowed an Ork advance towards Metalica with rapid strike tactics.
Vigilus and Beyond
During the height of fighting against the forces of Chaos on Vigilus, Calgar was able to turn the tide by forming an alliance with the Eldar on the world led by Farseer Keltoc. Calgar was able to convince the Xenos to join him in the fight against Chaos, and cemented the pact by agreeing to Keltoc’s terms to secretly kill the slayers of Autarch Rhyloor in order to satisfy Saim-Hann‘s blood feud. With the Eldar now as allies, Calgar goaded Abaddon himself into a duel at Saint’s Haven while the stealthy Eldar vessel Vaul’s Ghostcollided with the Vengeful Spirit and detonated a cache of Deathstrike Missiles. Though his ploy worked and forced the Warmaster to retreat in order to save the Vengeful Spirit, Calgar was badly wounded in the duel against Abaddon. One of his gauntlets where torn away to expose a forearm splintered and shorn of skin. The other was cut through severing two of his fingers and slashing open both of his hearts that he was shielding with that hand. As he laid there wounded, Greater Possessed came and pierced both his hearts and ripped open his throat. He just barely survived the battle. His ravaged throat was sutured, reinforced and regrown, the Apothecaries administering intense regeneration chem-baths, cyborgisation surgery and a lengthy rejuvenat treatment. This made his voice sound mechanical afterwords. The apothecarium also salvaged his secondary heart, but the primary was cloven through. He was not seen on the front line of the battlefield from that point on, but continued to command the armies of the Imperium from the heart of the Vigilus Senate. In the aftermath of the battle, Calgar was declared a Saint by the Adeptus Ministorum.
The Mighty Arms of Marneus Calgar
In battle, Calgar is armed with the Gauntlets of Ultramar — a pair of master-crafted power fists incorporating a pair of bolters. These Gauntlets were reclaimed by Primarch Roboute Guilliman from a Chaos Champion after the Gamalia Reclusiam Massacre. Lord Calgar also carries an Iron Halo and wears either the Armour of Antilochus (an ornate suit of Terminator Armour) or a suit of Artificer Armour. After Calgar crossed the Rubicon Primaris, the Armour of Antilochus was modified into a Gravis pattern suit and renamed the Armour of Heraclus.
Marneus’ Ride – Maximus
The personal vehicle of Marneus Calgar is a Maximus — the ancient and honorable Land Raider adorned with passages from the Codex Astartes and scenes from the glorious victories of the Chapter. Its armor is decorated with gold details and marble; banners and purity seals of honored provenance flutter from his hull.
Remember acolytes, if you find yourself questioning the usefulness of Primaris Space Marines, please bring your concerns to the Adeptus Mechanicus–they have an answer that can serv(itor)e any question.