Age of Sigmar: Boxing Day Miniature – Abhorrant Ghoul King Reveal

Just in time for the holidays Games Workshop is unleashing a new Abhorrant Ghoul King miniature for all your family gatherings.
It’s been a while since we seen the Flesh-eater Courts get any love from GW but that doesn’t mean they don’t keep the ghoulish undead in their hearts. Or something like that. ANYHOW, there is a new Abhorrant Ghoul King miniature on the way I’m also pretty sure this is a Rumor Engine reveal from WAY back.
“The illusion is shattered! That’s not your favourite uncle in his favourite chair, that’s the Abhorrant Ghoul King with Crown of Delusion, this year’s Boxing Day Miniature! Instead of a cosy Christmas scene, our reverie was in fact a heinous feast of raw flesh, and we’re actually all horrible ghouls deluded into a parody of familial festivities!”
It’s a classic “I’m in charge” sort of power pose with the Abhorrant Ghoul King sitting on his throne. He’s looking pretty creepy-tastic with his ghoulish figure and pointy, drooling teeth showing. Also, those are some pretty hardcore piercings he’s got.
If you’re curious about how to get your hands on the Abhorrant Ghoul King you’ve got some time to act as this is a limited edition miniature.
“This commemorative miniature will be available exclusively at Warhammer stores from Boxing Day* until Sunday the 8th of January 2023. You’ll be able to order it online between Saturday the 7th of January and Sunday the 15th of January, so dip your finger in blood – er, cranberry sauce – and circle your calendar.”
Previously On The Rumor Engine
Oh and about that Rumor Engine call back. Turns out this one is from 2020! And it’s just not getting revealed. It’s not even going to be shipping until 2023…talk about the long game with these Rumor Engines, right?
“We’ve All Got Swords – Rumor Engine May 5, 2020”
The King is holding court this Boxing Day!