Age of Sigmar: List of the Week – Bloab the Red-Nosed Maggoth

Papa Nurgle loves you, and just in time for the holidays, he’s brought a present.
Welcome in, Generals of the Realms! Nurgle is back in the top spot this week with a gooey list of epic proportions. Double check that dubious fruitcake and check out the list below, brought to us by BCP.
– Army Faction: Maggotkin of Nurgle
– Subfaction: Drowned Men
– Grand Strategy: Blessed Desecration
– Triumph: Bloodthirsty
Bloab Rotspawned (320)
– General
– Spells: Gift of Disease
Orghotts Daemonspew (320)*
Plaguebearers (150)*
– Icon Bearer
– Piper
– Plagueridden
Pusgoyle Blightlords (500)**
– 2 x Dolorous Tocsin
Pusgoyle Blightlords (250)**
– Dolorous Tocsin
Pusgoyle Blightlords (250)**
– Dolorous Tocsin
Plague Drones (200)*
– Plaguebringer
– Icon Bearer
– Bell Toller
1 x Feculent Gnarlmaw (0)
*Battle Regiment
**Bounty Hunters
TOTAL POINTS: 1990/2000
Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
The Most Played Faction: This chart represents the primary faction identified by players when submitting their lists. This gives a global view of what is popular and being played out there in the competitive scene:
December 25th, 2022:
1: Stormcast Eternals
2: Ogor Mawtribes
3: Slaves to Darkness
4: Nighthaunt
5: Skaven
6: Disciples of Tzeentch
7: Maggotkin of Nurgle
8: Daughters of Khaine
9: Gloomspite Gitz
10: Lumineth Realm-Lords
December 18th, 2022:
1: Stormcast Eternals
2: Ogor Mawtribes
3: Sylvaneth
4: Slaves to Darkness
5: Disciples of Tzeentch
6: Lumineth Realm-Lords
7: Skaven
8: Seraphon
9: Nighthaunt
10: Daughters of Khaine
The Most Winning Faction: This chart represents the primary faction identified by players who are winning events. This gives a global view of what is potent and winning games out there in the competitive scene:
December 25th, 2022:
1: Ogor Mawtribes
2: Stormcast Eternals
3: Slaves to Darkness
4: Nighthaunt
5: Disciples of Tzeentch
6: Lumineth Realm-Lords
7: Maggotkin of Nurgle
8: Ironjawz
9: Daughters of Khaine
10: Skaven
December 18th, 2022:
1: Ogor Mawtribes
2: Stormcast Eternals
3: Slaves to Darkness
4: Sylvaneth
5: Disciples of Tzeentch
6: Lumineth Realm-Lords
7: Skaven
8: Nighthaunt
9: Daughters of Khaine
10: Maggotkin of Nurgle
This is Nurgle at his most gribbly; flies, Plaguebearers, and a couple Maggoth Lords to tie it all up. This is a heavy assault list for sure, a far cry from Nurgle’s usual trick up trudging up the field in an unstoppable tide. The Bearers can hold objectives, the flyers take out threats, and the Lords provide a solid anchor point for the rest of the army. However you slice it, this is a list with all the bases covered.
OK, let’s hear from you generals in the comments.
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