Age of Sigmar: Metawatch – December 2022 Win Rate Tournament Data

Games Workshop has revealed the win rate data with the Grand Finale results included. How did it all shape up in AoS?
We love crunching some numbers! Now that GW has released the win rate data post-season launch/change and there’s been a good chunk of data points collected we can take a birds eye view of the health of the game. Well, at least in terms of win rate.
“With the latest tranche of data now collected from the final tournaments of the year, external balance appears to be in a very healthy place, with almost every faction close to that target window of 45%-55%. This is especially clear when you compare with the data from last December, as is demonstrated on the graph below.”
This graph is interesting for a few reasons. We get a look comparing the win rates from December 2021 to December 2022. That’s important because it shows off the change and impacts new Battletomes, White Dwarf updates, and the Seasonal GT updates have. Let’s do some high level analysis with these numbers.
Biggest Winners
One of the biggest swings has been the Beasts of Chaos which have jumped a whopping 23% in win rate! Their White Dwarf change coupled with the seasonal update has really benefited that army. Considering how low it was to being with, those changes were probably warranted. However, we’re curious to see how their upcoming battletome impacts that crazy swing of a win rate.
Another army that got a big boost is the Hedonites of Slaanesh. Unfortunately, they are still at the bottom of the barrel in terms of win rate sitting at 44% — that’s after a 17% increase! To be fair, they are only 1% shy of that 45-55% sweet spot GW is looking for. It’s still a big jump but that army could still use some tweaks. Personally, I think it’s a matter of points as one major complaint I’ve heard about them in general is that the army is too expensive points wise. I think with a few tweaks they could easily bump up that win rate by 1-2%.
The final army that got a double digit bump is the Nighthaunt. Considering they were at a 38% win rate in 2021 and are now at 50% I think that’s a pretty good change! In that time they’ve gotten a new Battletome that’s been a big boon for them. They’ve also gotten some new characters and units that have helped ignite some interest in them. As a Nighthaunt player I figured they would be a solid B and based on the win rate of 50% in 2022, I still think they are in a good spot. Not an auto-win but certainly not an auto-loss any more.
Armies That Need Help In 2023
Compared to their position in 2021 these armies have taken a hit in 2022. Maybe they’ll get more attention in 2023. The three armies that took the biggest hit to their win rates were as follows:
- Idoneth Deepkin -9%
- Sons of Behemat -8%
- Kruleboyz -8%
However, two of those armies are still in that 45-55% sweet spot while the Kruleboyz continue to languish at the bottom of the barrel. Now, this could be because of a lot of factors. I’ve seen some good armies that included Kragnos with them as he solves some of their issues. They recently got a boost with the balance updates, too. I do think they also suffer from “new army syndrome” as they were launched with the new edition. Think about how the Nighthaunts were when they first launched — I think the Kruleboyz are probably on a similar trajectory.
The bottom four armies are all sitting at 44% win rates. That said, two of them are about to get their battletomes fully released soon and that should cause a bump. We’re not sure if the Slaves to Darkness armies were using the old book or the new book as that’s only available in the army box currently. Hedonites are doing better compared to last year — but are still not at the goal as we mentioned above. Really, it’s the Kruleboyz that could use some help the most out of the bottom 4.
Personally, I think AoS is actually in a really good spot. There’s some grumbling about Galletion Veterans and their interactions within the seasonal battleplans. I can see the complaints but I also see the value in making these types of things seasonal. They keep the meta interesting for a year and then can be swapped out for the next season. If you don’t like it the good news is you don’t have to deal with it forever. You can also opt to not use that battlepack in general games but it is up to the Tournament Organizer (TO) if you’re playing at an event. But hey, it’s not forever!
What do you think of the state of AoS at the end of 2022?