D&D Accessories: Get Sneaky With These Roguish Tools

Whether there’s a rogue at your table or you ARE the rogue at the table, these goodies will help your group nick gold and sneak past baddies.
Most adventuring parties have a Rogue. They’re a fun class to play and relatively simple for newcomers to D&D. Plus compared to some of the more modern class options, rogues are class Dungeons and Dragons. Whether you have a rogue at your table or you are the rogue at the table, these accessories will help make sure the attacks are more sneaky and the loot more plundered.
1. Lock Picking D20

Few things scream “rogue!” quite like breaking out the old lock-picking kit. And this D20 set will allow you to actually (pretend to) pick some locks at the table. I wish this came with an entire set somehow, but I’m not entirely sure what the D4 lock set would look like, or if you’d have to carry around seven almost full-sized locks for the bit. But this D20 is perfect for any rogue’s dice set.
2. Roguish Minis

There are quite a few minis out there if you’re looking to have a small version of your rogue at the table. My favorite happened to be these Tabaxi. They make great rogues, and I bet they love a good ear scritch. These figures come in primer gray, so I hope you’re better at miniature painting than I am.
3. Rogue Key Chain
Does your rogue show up to the table with a keychain that looks like they Highlander-fought a series of janitors? Do they just like decorating their gaming bag with nerdy tchotchkes? Are you the too-many-keys rogue? This rogue keychain will has the nat 20 and weapons needed to keep your keys safe. And if you’re looking for cute little matching gifts for your whole party, there’s a keychain for every class and the DM.
4. Failed Stealth Check Shirt
Bad news for the rest of the table, but all the snacks belong to you now. Okay, maybe don’t take all of the snacks. But wearing a shirt to remind everyone exactly who you are isn’t a bad idea.
5. Rogue Dice
Here is the perfect full set to accompany the D20 lock we posted at the top of this list. This set has a D20 powder keg, a D12 gem, a D10 loot bag, a D8 crossbow bolt, a D6 vial of poison, and a D4 dagger. Or, the contents of your average rogue’s bag of holding. PolyHero has a couple of dice sets themed around various D&D classes, and they’re all thoughtful and specific to that class’s skills. Does every player at your table deserve special dice? We think so.
Do you have any rogue-specific D&D stuff? Did any of our picks make it onto your wish list? What’s your favorite in-game tool or skill to use as a rogue?
Let us know in the comments!