D&D: The Best Ways to Stash Your Treasure

In D&D, carrying around all that loot might be more trouble than it’s worth. But here are the best ways to store your treasure.
One thing that D&D will tell you is that money is heavy. Which makes sense, given that money is worth its weight in gold. Literally, when we’re talking about gold pieces. And besides just taking up a lot of space, it also takes a lot of effort to haul it around.
Fifty GP weigh a total of one whole pound. Which may not seem like much until you realize that you can only carry up to five times your strength score.
This means if you’re not playing a Fighter — if you only have average or below strength, you can only carry so much money at a time until you’re so rich your speed drops.
At 10 strength, the average, you can only carry 2500 gp before carrying literally anything else weighs you down.
And even if you are a fighter, that’s still fifty pounds of money that’s just clinking around. And that’s not even that much. Barely six or seven quest rewards and you’ll be weighed down. Unless you make your money a little less heavy.
As any Skyrim player knows, jewelry is one quick way to have a lot of material wealth without having to have a ton of weight. Get yourself some fancy rings or necklaces or cloak clasps, and you’ll be on your way to having a fortune that doesn’t take a fortune to maintain/transport.
Art has value. And in D&D, as in real life, that value is entirely objective and transferable. Since, per the rules in the DMG, all art objects retain their full value in the marketplace. This means you can either invest in an expensive painting or become a patron of the arts and the like, while at the same time, converting your heavy gold into valuable oil and paper.
A combination that goes extremely well together.
Gems also keep their full value in the marketplace. And you’ll want to keep plenty of these around since gems are often the costly material component used in spells like revivify or resurrection. Not only will these bring you back from the dead, but they’ll also cut down on the weight needed to carry your fortune around.
Costly Spell Components
Even if you aren’t a spellcaster, odds are good there’s one around you. And if it costs you hundreds or thousands of gold to get that special focus, you can bet some arch-wizard out there is looking for the same value. When people ask why you’re carrying around a mixture of mercury, phosphorous, powdered diamond, and opal, just let them know it’s a Symbol of your wealth.
Real Estate
It’s a sound investment whatever era you’re playing in. Of course, it’ll be much harder to carry around than even gold. But it’s much harder for someone to steal a Guild Hall, for instance, than it is 250,000 gold pieces.
How do you keep your treasure?