Every Way to Own That Lamp From ‘A Christmas Story’

There are so many ways to own that famous lamp from A Christmas Story. Don’t forget to display it in the window of your front room!
Ahh yes, the most famous lamp in pop culture history. And it is, indeed, a work of art. Do you need that leg lamp in your life? Here are several very classy ways to own one.
1. The Lamp
First up is the classic. She’s full-size and a real beaut’. It doesn’t come in a gigantic crate delivered by disgruntled furniture delivery men, but the box still indicated that it is, indeed, fragiley.
2. The Stocking
If you’re in need of a stocking, might I suggest filling your lamp needs this way? It certainly takes up less space the other 11 months out of the year.
3. The Nutcracker
There’s also the Nutcracker version of this proud papa and his beloved lamp.
4. The Sweater
This sweater is a great way to take the leg everywhere you go this holiday season. It certainly fits the descriptor of “ugly Christmas sweater“.
5. The Lamps
Nothing says “goodnight, honey” like leaning over to turn off your matching leg lamps on each nightstand. Your partner will love it, I promise.
6. The String Lights
And finally, if you’d like a can-can of leg lamps to decorate your back porch (of Christmas tree), the leg lamp also comes in a string light design.