Five of the Best Moments in ‘House of the Dragon’ Season 1

What was your favorite moment from Season 1 of House of the Dragon?
Season 1 of House of the Dragon was pretty dang good. It did a lot to regain people’s favor after the disaster of Game of Thrones Season 8. Any great show is, of course, made up of great parts, scenes, and moments building to a whole.
King’s Landing Night Walk 
It’s kind of a minor moment, right before a major one. However, Daemon‘s and Rhaenyra‘s walk around King’s Landing is a top moment in Season 1 of House of the Dragon. It gives us a pretty rare look at what the common people in King’s Landing live like. And it’s not all doom and gloom. It’s got a lot of cool visuals and I always love seeing festivals and such. It also does a decent job of exploring the two characters and their place in the world and view of it. Book readers will also know it’s got just a bit of foreshadowing going on.
An Eye For a Dragon 
This whole scene is a strong one. After Aemond gains his dragon he gets into a family fight and loses an eye. The confrontation scene that follows is pretty good. The king, as always, tries to keep the peace. However, the Greens and Blacks have really formed here and literal knives come out. In many ways it’s a point of no return. The moment that really steals it all is Aemond’s line “Do not mourn me, mother. It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon.” Badass.
Wedding Entrances Were a Top Moment from House of the Dragon
Rhaenyra and Leanor’s wedding may have had the worst ending in the whole show, but it sure started well. You had some really amazing decorations and fashion on display. The glittering entrance of the Velaryons has already become a meme. But it was Alicent’s arrival in her green statement dress really stole the show. It was the real formation of the Greens of the factions. It was also a major character moment for her, representing her coming into her own.
Luke’s Death
This might have been one of the last scenes, but it was also one of the best moments of Season 1 of House of the Dragon. From Luke’s arrival at Storms End and seeing Vhagar looming like a real monster over the walls. From his confrontation with Aemond and the terrifying fight/flight, this was such a well-done and shot scene. Its tragic ending kicks off the war and set several characters down dark paths.
The Best Moment of Season 1 of House of the Dragon Was Viserys’ Walk 
Oh, man. With his daughter threatened and his legacy in danger, King Viserys rises from his deathbed to put things to right. Episode 8 was super strong and the whole couple of ending scenes were amazing, but this one just takes the cake and cements itself as the best moment of Season 1 of House of the Dragon. It’s just such a well-done scene. The old king, who has abdicated responsibly to others returns to the throne to set the House of the Dragon right. From the long slow walk to the music, to Daemon helping him at the very last. The whole scene is a culmination of the Viserys’ and his character and it’s just so so good.
Let us know what your favorite moments were down in the comments!