Five Video Games We’re Looking Forward to Next Year

We’re looking forward to a lot of games that have been announced for 2023. But these may just be our personal most anticipated.
The year is almost over, and 2023 is right around the corner. But with the new year comes all of 2023’s brand-new video game releases. And there are a few that we cannot wait to get our hands on.
Like a Dragon Ishin
We love the Yakuza / Like a Dragon games in this house. So seeing that early next year we will be getting another addition to the series is great news. Ishin is the remake of the previously Japan-Only game of the same name from 2014 which was set during the mid-1800s. It looks like it will be something a little different from the Yakuza games (at least for us in the non-Japanese market) and I’m looking forward to finally checking it out.
Fire Emblem Engage
Fire Emblem games are always a really good time. I’m personally a huge fan of the tactical grid battle style and always welcome more of those in my life. But Engage will be changing the script a little by letting players ‘engage’ characters from previous games in battles. It looks weird and a little fan servicey, and it’s an odd choice from a game that’s notorious for perma-killing any characters you let fall in battle. But I’m excited to see how it plays out and what this game is all about.
Horizon Call of the Mountain
I don’t usually think about VR games much let alone play any. They’re not my thing. So it’s weird how intrigued I am by Horizon: Call of the Mountain. The world this series has built is already so immersive and huge, and this upcoming VR game will allow us to explore it ourselves as if we were really there. Will it be cool or terrifying to visit robot dinosaurs in a post-apocalyptic world? I’m not sure, but I know we’re going to find out.
Star Wars: Jedi Survivor
There are so many things about Star Wars: Jedi Survivor that I’m looking forward to. The first one was a fantastic, wild game that let us explore a little more of the galaxy and take on Jedi training for ourselves. It ramped up the tension and added heartbreaking storylines so well, and it did it all with a very cute droid. So of course we’re looking forward to coming back for more of Cal’s story and adventures.
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
With its expansive map, open world, and enjoyable missions and characters, Breath of the Wild is one of my favorite games to date. So of course I’m excited about the sequel! Only this time Link is taking to the sky. More so than we already did with the glider. I feel like we don’t know nearly enough about this game yet, but we have until May to start seeing some trailers. Realistically though, we’re all going to be playing this next spring based on the quality of Breath of the Wild and we all know it.
What game are you most looking forward to playing in 2023? Do you prefer stand-alone games or new additions to a favorite series? What was your favorite game of 2022? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!