Games Workshop Rumor Engine: ‘Alas Poor Yarrick’

Games Workshop has given us a brand new Rumor Engine to chew on for December. The owner of this skull had a bad day.
I’m not saying this Skull belonged to Commissar Yarrick. However…take a look at the evidence for yourself.
“Winter’s rolled in, and the nights are getting darker earlier. To stave off the gloom in the Warhammer Community oubliette, we huddle around the glowing screens of the Rumour Engine – and today a mysterious new image has formed in the gloaming.”
Just starting things off, this image is giving off some serious Grimdark vibes. The bionic eye is something you’d see in 40k and not in AoS, so I think we can start there. Secondly, that’s a BIONIC EYE in that skull! And it looks like it’s either a chaos icon or something possibly orky. Thirdly, who do we know that’s basically been killed off and had a bionic eye?
Yep, Commissar Sebastian Yarrick. And look right there at that bionic left eye! Hey…wait a minute. Yarrick’s bale eye was his left and the skull above is the right eye. YARRICK LIVES!
Clearly it’s not Yarrick. See, the eye’s are flipped!
Also, we’re pretty sure Yarrick is still dead…and thankfully his skull was not taken as a trophy! While that would have a been a pretty cool nod to The Old Man of Armageddon, I would have been a little lame to have his skull in a some random icon from some chaos chump or random ork Nob. That icon would have needed to be taken by someone important.
And we all know he let Yarrick go…
Anyhow, now that we’ve narrowed this skull down to someone in 40k that is not Yarrick, I think this is where you take over! Who do you think was the previous owner of this skull? And who do you think the current owner of this new icon is? Could it be a chaos warrior? Perhaps an ork? What if it’s something different entirely? I think those Leagues of Votann guys are up to something… Let us know your theories in the comments section!
Alas Poor Yarrick…He had a good run. (that’s not how that quote goes!)