Goatboy’s 40K Grimdark List: CSM Creations of Bile Highlander!

“There Can Be Only One” – well there can be only one Creations of Bile Highlander list! Let’s see what the kind Doctor Fabius has brewed up in his lab for us today.
I blame some of my buddies for trying to get me to go play a 40K Invitational tournament in a cabin. That’s not creepy or anything. I really want to go, and hope the stars align to let me pack my bang and get up there. I’ll probably harass a few friends while playing, and maybe become a true champion. Or, at the very least, have a heck of a good time doing it!
The army building idea some of my friends threw out was to make Highlander lists. This means only one of each unit is allowed in the army, and you are allowed to duplicate a troop choice when you’ve taken all your troop choices. This leads me to think – what can I do to make my normal rush CSM Creations of Bile list still work in a Highlander environment? The fun thing is I don’t have to repeat any troops because – CSM have 4! HAHA, and since I am taking a lot of “core infantry” it allows me a lot of leeways when building this.
With that – here is my Highlander CSM List!
Goatboy’s Creations of Bile Highlander Version 1 – 0CP
Master of Possession – Mark of Slaanesh, Relic (-1CP) – Liber Hereticus – 120pts
Dark Apostle – Mark of Slaanesh – 110pts
Legionaries X 5 – 90pts
Accursed Cultists – 5 Mutants, 3 Torments – 75pts
Cultist Mob X 10 – 50pts
Chosen X 10 – Mark of Slaanesh, Icon, Powerfist X 2 – 270pts
Chaos Terminator Squad X 10 – Mark of Slaanesh, Chainfist X 2, Hvy Flamer X 2, Trophy (-1CP) – Black Rune of Damnation – 365pts
Possessed X 10 – 280pts
Master of Executions – Warlord (-1CP) – Twisted Regeneration, Relic (-1CP) – Undivided Daemon Weapon – 65pts
Chaos Bikers x 9 – Mark of Khorne, Iron, Power Maul, Trophy (-1CP) – Black Mace – 295pts
Warp Talons X 10 – 280pts
PTS: 2000 CP: 2
Heresy Each Day Keeps the Doctor Away
This Creations of Bile HIghlander list seems like a fun and random army of CSM jerks designed to go do some damage as fast as they can. Plus, it probably looks cool on the tabletop as you try to get all these different parts to work with each other. This feels pretty close to what I will try out as I just need to paint/repaint a few things to get it ready. If I get a chance to go. At the very least, it will let me feel cool when I try to win with it.
For the Genefather!