Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: My Grimdark Hobby Wishes for 2023

Goatboy here and as we reach the end of the year I want to start to think about my grimdark hobby plans for 2023.
I am at the stage of this game where I don’t get to play nearly as much as I’d like which limits a whole lot of ability or chances to get to the finals of any event I try to drag myself too. This has me wondering – is it time to really push into the hobby side of things instead of just being a competitive jerk? Is it finally time to high five some of my other competitive minded painter friends and just make a cool as hell looking army? Is it time to make a legit display board?
My War Between Hobby and Competitive
I do like to hobby, build, and paint so it isn’t hard for me to move towards this direction. I think a lot of is I still paint commissioned work. This means a lot of my hobby time is spent working on clients’ work and my own personal stuff is really just… Well, lets just say my personal hobby goals are about getting it done decently enough to battle on the tabletop and not look like a schlub. It’s always a delicate dance between getting things to decent standards, while and allowing me to easily alter lists to help keep me in the running.
I also have the real problem of getting a new idea for some kind of diabolical list and instead just working consistently on an army I jump around trying to find the lightning in the bottle for pure damage on the tabletop. Heck this past two events I played the same army for a total of 13 consecutive games of 40k. I haven’t done that in a long time and it showed when I played pretty well with the list. Of course now I am thinking of going into a different list for LVO. My nature can’t let me be satisfied with trying to play another eight games with the same list.
Goatboy loves it when a plan comes together.
I have a Army Concept So Crazy…It Just Might Work!
But that is a whole other issue and instead let’s talk about some things I might want to do to make a really cool looking army that might get some votes for best looking army. I’ve thought about what to do and its something that has been burning in my brain for a long time. I blame the lack of completing an Ork army this last edition while I have been sitting on all the parts and finished up some “test” models. I also blame the fact that painting a ton of Orks isn’t something I want to do and instead want a bunch of punchy things.
It’s Rebel Grots…in Stolen Looted Knight-Robots!
What is the army I am thinking about? Well – it is a Grot Robot army of doom – a Chaos Knight Army which what will most likely be Abaddon as some kind of crazy Mek in the middle full of War Dogs heavily converted from Killa Kans, Deff Dreads, and whatever other bits I can find. I would then try to build a much more locked in display board full of Ork junk yard nonsense to try and get a really distinct set up to look cool.
Kinda like this… but keep going… and also add grots.
It fills in all the checks on things I like – Conversions, small amount of models, dirty/messy style, and would just awesome as heck. I have wanted to do Ork knights for so long and while it isn’t the most original “list” it would let me make a ton of really weird stuff. Crazy buzzsaw monsters of doom filled with exotic weapons, extra armor, and a ton of angry violence.
Of course I say all of this but I have to really commit. This is the issue at hand as while I have some stuff – I don’t have enough things to really test it out. Still the idea burns in my Mekboy head and belches out black smoke of innovation. Heck I might run a normal looking version of the list to see if I even like playing it. It might all be moot too with a rumored new edition coming and whatever else lands in our laps next year.
Who knows – maybe I will just try my damnedest to build a test model just to see if its worth dancing down this yellow brick road of Ork doom and destruction.
Do you think it is worth it? Do you think it would be worth my time? Does it even sound interesting? I could Hobby blog it for you all here.