Horus Heresy: Where to Start With Adeptus Custodes

So you bought the Age of Darkness Box…you painted your Son’s of Horus or your Imperial Fists and they’re cool but they’re not Custodes cool. Here’s how to get started with The Ten Thousand.
Sure the Space Marine Legions get all the plastic releases but they aren’t gaudy like an 80s Las Vegas casino; they don’t hit like a Mac truck powered by a Saturn V rocket and if you’re into the lore they don’t have Swagger that don’t stop, don’t bend and don’t break.
Why Should I play 30k Custodes?
The honest and straight forward answer is because they’re effing cool! Also as far as an army that isn’t one of the Space Marine legions they are probably the cheapest and easiest to collect by a long shot. The Banana Boi’s (named for the aptly shaped helmets) are easy to paint, easy to play, and have a style and feel all their own. Lastly this Christmas the “Watcher’s of the Gate” Battleforce gives you a gross amount of some of their best units for 30k list construction. Combined with the Standard patrol…or another “Watcher’s of the Gate” Battleforce its basically all you’ll need to get started.
I spoke too soon, you’ll need some cool gold dice, an attitude that says, “I’m built different” and of course a Liber Imperium. Mainly the last one…but also consider the dice, and maybe the attitude. Your mileage may vary.
So Why Now?
The timing on this article has mostly to do with the recent release of the “Watcher’s of the Gate” Battleforce. Yes its that good a value. More importantly it is what comes in the box that is important. You’re getting the cream of the Custodes crop and an excellent starting point for the Emperor’s own. At minimum you’re going to have an awesome allied detachment or with a little kit bashing, proxy work and effort you could have a decently sized Custodes Army. Lets take a look at what you can build out of this thing.
Custodian Shield Captain (Trajan Valoris) – 200 – You could proxy Trajan as Constantine or a Tribune if you’re playing 3,000 pts + for casual games
Meridian Swords – 0
Presidium Shield – 0
Custodian Shield Captain – 200 – Build the Shield Captain from one of your Custodian Guard Sets
Paragon Glaive – 30 – *this isn’t an optimized loadout but it is something that comes with the Battleforce. I’d also look at another set of Meridian Swords
Presidium Shield – 0
5x Custodian Guard – 240
1 Guardian Axe – 0 (I personally would take 2 in each squad, as that gets you base 8x Str 8, AP2 attacks but we’re harvesting the Axe heads from the Allarus sprues which will only come with 3. If you have extras by all means apply them. )
5x Custodian Guard – 240
1 Guardian Axe – 0
4x Custodian Guard – 195
1 Guardian Axe – 0
1 Magisterium vexilla & Sentinel Warblade – 20
Agamatus Jetbike Squadron (Yes, Vertus Praetors aren’t the official model, but hell its a proper proxy that most people will accept in casual play)
3 Agamatus Jetbikes – 265
3 Twin-linked Corvae las-pulser – 105
Now I suppose the hard decision is what to do with the Allarus Terminators. I think they are suitable proxies for either Hectaeron Guard or Aquilon Terminators with some minor kitbashing. You can easily slap some standard terminator arms on them to give them claws, a fist and bolter, or flamer. You could also hope beyond hope that they end up in the Liber Imperium PDF along with the Vertus Praetor jetbikes. Though this author doesn’t foresee them being included. Who knows.
For this article’s sake lets settle for the Hectaeron Guard and give them Meridian Swords which are easily kitbashed with some Grey Knights falchions or other duel swords you may have laying around. The Grey Knight falchions are a popular choice because they meet the lore and book description for the Meridian Swords and they were not a popular loadout in 9th edition 40k for Grey Knights. They are around in droves. Ask around your local community.
Hectaeron Guard Squad – 225
3 Hectaeron Guard
3 Meridian Swords – 0
Aquilon Terminator Squad – 290
3 Aquilon Terminators
6 Solarite Power Talon – 0
The 30K Custodes Game Plan
You’re probably going to want to attach your Captains to your Terminator/Hectaeron guard unit and another to the 4 man Guardian squad with the Vexilla. Keep this in mind when you’re deploying your units. You generally want your vanguard near the center so they aren’t having to run the length of the table to engage. You’re going to want these lethal units in combat ASAP.
Now, you’ve got a whole bunch of angry golden boys who want so badly to get in close combat. They move 8 inches, they run 5 inches and because their weapons are generally range 18″ your smooth brain play here is to move up as much as you can. So move out, stick to cover as you can and make for the enemies lines. Even tough Legion units are going to think twice about engaging you in Close Combat, your basic Banana Boy’s are WS 5, A4, Str 6 AP2 w/ Reaping Blow. Make sure you’re taking advantage of Reaping Blow when you place models after a charge. Don’t leave those extra attacks on the table. On a charge your basic Custodian will be likely doing 6 attacks (base 4, +1 for charge, +1 for reaping blow if possible). At AP2 they are going to absolutely blender things like 15-20man tac squads and in almost all cases they will be attacking first. You’re probably going to take some flak from an Overwatch reaction but who cares you have a 2+ save.
Now we’ve mixed those axes into those Custodes Guard units for an important reason. Yes they are are unwieldy so they are Initiative 1, however Str 8, AP 2 axes are there to take down light vehicles and possibly dreadnoughts. Make sure that when you engage Dreadnoughts with Guard squads you’re pulling wounds from the troops with glaives so your axes have a chance to do work.
Use your jet bikes to actively engage hard to kill armor or dedicated range damage (looking at your Siege Tyrants). You brought those Twin-linked Corvae las-pulser for a reason. And while Str 9 las isn’t going to be super consistent against Armor 14 targets you’re highly mobile; get around and pepper the sides and rear armor of those tanks. Now utilize that Str10 AP1 Armorbane, Sudden Strike (3) lances to skewer them. Armor is going to melt before your eyes.
Where To Go From Here?
In total this gives starting army of 1600-1700 points in Heresy with plenty of room to grow. If you’re sticking with Plastic, a patrol box might be a good way to go so you can add additional Guard Squads, Terminators and Jet Bikes as well as a small allied force of Sisters of Silence to deal with psychers, pesky close combat monsters or even potentially giving some of your squads 5+++ with Knight Vestal Convenants. The Ex Oblivio ability found on numerous HQ choices makes annoying Non-Primarch close combat monsters nearly inconsequential. Sisters of Silence can offer a lot of utility to a Custodes force and ally in cheaply via an allied detachment.
Maybe Forge World?
If Forge world units are on the table you should consider the Caladus Grav-Tank. At 225pts base, consider +35pt Arachnus blaze cannon is an excellent upgrade. The Pallas Attack Speeder Squadron is also an amazing buy at 60pts each. The standard Arachnus blaze cannon is excellent and the deepstrike potential and outflank possibilities are, *chef’s kiss, well worth the points.
Finally the Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought is great. With the recent Liber Imperium Rules PDF, it picked up Brutal (3) on its Gravis Power Fist much like its Legion cousin.
Go buy a “Watcher’s at the Gate” Battleforce if you can still find one. They are an amazing deal and can serve you well in both 30k and 40k. It comes with everything you need to build the core of a fantastic Custodes list. With all that left over cash…or a second mortgage you can splurg on some Forge World units. Now the only thing you need to ask yourself is what shade of gold are you going to use?