LotR: Y’all, Amazon is NOT Going to Reboot ‘The Rings of Power’

There are some crazy rumors about Amazon’s The Rings or Power going around.
The Rings of Power Season 1 has been over for a few weeks. It was a big and beautiful show, if far from perfect. Overall it wasn’t the worst show out there, and many people loved it. However, the show also has its haters; they’ve been jumping on any chance to discuss it as a failure. Now one crazy new rumor about a total reboot has started to go around.
Was The Rings of Power a Success?
How well Rings or Power succeeded or failed is sadly not a question we can answer right now. Amazon hasn’t released total figures, and there is a lot of speculation on the subject. It’s been said that the show got around 25 million viewers in the first 24 hours. Some reports say this shrank later on, but that’s not clear. During the periods that we have gotten numbers for it, the show seems to have gotten around five times the views as its rival show, House of the Dragon (on streaming, at least).
Given that RoP is the most expensive show of all time, we also don’t know what kind of numbers Amazon would consider a success. However, given what we know, it doesn’t seem like the show flopped. Still, a vocal group of people really hate the show and are calling it one. This leads to significant new rumors going around.
The Rumor is Amazon Will Reboot The Rings of Power
Over the past few days, rumors have been circulating about The Rings of Power. The most out there is that Amazon will do a hard reboot on the show for season 2. This rumor effectively claims that season 2 will erase all of season 1 and start over again with a brand new story. A story that the people pushing the rumor at least feel is more accurate to Tolkien. You can see the rumor popping up all over, but it seems to have started on YouTube with people claiming vague “insider” knowledge.
It’s Just Like Star Wars
Interestingly we’ve heard very similar rumors before in another major franchise. A couple of years ago, rumors started going around that Disney would retcon the Star Wars sequels and erase them. Like the Rings of Power rumors, these were pushed by fans upset with the current state of affairs. These rumors also started on YouTube, with people claiming insider knowledge. However, a couple of years later, they’ve gone nowhere (as I predicted.)
Amazon is Not Going to Reboot The Rings of Power
Like the Star Wars rumor, this one is just kind of dumb. The fact of the matter is that Amazon is not going to reboot The Rings Of Power. It certainly won’t be doing a hard reboot for season 2 since that season has already started filming. Any hard reboot would require stopping production, scrapping everything already filmed, and then delaying production for several years to do a total rework. And that’s just not going to happen; anyone can tell you that. The amount of money Amazon would lose would be staggering.
Beyond that simple fact, however, you’ve just got to accept that hard reboots like people are talking about here don’t happen. Shows might do some course correcting or make changes, but a hard reboot isn’t something Hollywood does, if for no other reason than it would be too costly. Given that Rings of Powers season 2 started filming before Season 1 was fully out, it’s unlikely that the show will even make any major changes based on reaction to season 1. Ultimately, any reboot rumors are wishful thinking on the part of people who hated the show.
Let us know what you think about these rumors, down in the comments!