MTG: Blast from the Past – Top Reprints from Dominaria Remastered

Wizards is giving Magic the Gathering players a tasty blast from the past with Dominaria Remastered. Here’s what to look forward to.
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Dominaria Remastered is almost upon us, and we’ve been treated to some incredible previews. If you haven’t heard about this, it’s a new reprint pulling some of the best cards from past sets. If the set took place on Dominaria, you’ll probably find some of the cards in this set. While not everything is coming back (that would be ridiculous), there are some essentials that you’ll definitely want to snag. Here’s some of the best stuff coming back when Dominaria drops.
Deck search is one of the most powerful mechanics in Magic; whatever your tech is, getting the cards you need in your hand is essential. The price point on every tutor is prohibitively high, but they’re well worth it. Thankfully, Dominaria United is bringing back these power cards to make them more accessible to new players. So far, we’ve seen Mystical, Enlightend, and Vampiric Tutor. But it’s likely Worldly will make a return as well. While booster boxes for Dominaria are more expensive than standard sets, the tutors alone make them well worth it.
Legendary Heroes
For EDH players like me, powerful legends are of special interest, and Dominaria is full of them. From the druidic hero of Onslaught Kamahl to the Lord Artificier Urza himself, these legends are powerful additions to any collection. Several monocolor powerhouses are returning to the game, and I can’t wait to see what we get in the final release. Of special interest…the Elder Dragon lairs are back as well. I hope this means the return of the Invasion dragons, as Treva is the card that got me into the game in the first place.
Deadly Creatures
Dominaria has been home to some of the deadliest creatures in the multiverse over the years, and the Remastered set is bringing back some of the heaviest hitters. Returning staples include the original firebreather, Shivan Dragon, as well as the mystical Thran Golem and game-ending Serra Avatar. There’s even a returning Royal Assassin, one of the best combination destruction/deterrent pieces in the game.
Powerful Staples
Outside the tutors and powerful legends, Dominaria is bringing back a truckload of old staples to enhance your deck. Mystic Remora is the primary contender but the likes of Sylvan Library, Test of Endurance, and Explore are also making a return. While not as powerful as the above pieces, the Gauntlet of Power can throw out a surprising amount of power in a monocolor deck. Whatever brand of Magic you play, you’ll find something for you in the set.
Returning Keywords
Over the years, Magic has become a bit of a keyword soup, and a fair few have phased out over the years. Dominaria is bringing back a few favorites, like Flashback and Threshold, as well as some of the more limiting ones, like Vanishing and Echo. Of course, with the greater amount of Proliferate cards out these days, Vanishing is less of an issue, and since Echo specifies “sacrifice”, you’ll get to activate a number of powerful effects off their death. In the right deck, even the biggest drawbacks can be boosts.
Keep checking back for more spoilers, and look for Dominaria Remastered in stores January 13th.
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