MTG: Dominaria Remastered Artifact Spoilers – Magic Machines For Existential Teens

Actually these Dominaria Remastered Artifact spoilers are fun for all ages. But that doesn’t rhyme with machines. Anyway, check ’em out!
Artifacts are where you’ll find some of Magic: the Gathering’s most broken cards. They can slot easily into any deck, no matter what. They’re just a great addition to any toolbox. And sometimes, they’re the toolbox itself.
In this batch of Dominaria Remastered Artifact spoilers, we’ll find magic machines, weird orbs, and a few old classics back with some brand new artwork.
Dominaria Remastered – Artifact Spoilers
One of the best things about the artifacts in Dominaria Remastered is how ominous they can make even something like an air duct seem. We see this with Crawlspace, which limits opponents to no more than two attackers each combat. Meanwhile Damping Sphere will rain on anyone’s parade. But it’s an orb. And we must ponder all orbs, as long as we can. And Dodecapod has almost enough legs for everyone.
Two iconic Ice Age artifacts get reprints in Dominaria Remastered. The appropriately named Icy Manipulator, and the Jester’s Cap, both of which take extremely different approaches to taking the wind out of your opponent’s sails. Also the Juggernaut is here, and just like in the X-Men movie, it can’t be stopped by Walls. Not that it’ll come up all that often. But, you know.
Legacy Weapon is pricy but effective removal on demand. Millikin is the perfect engine for milling your own deck into your graveyard, if you’re the sort of weirdo who loves that kind of thing. And Ornithopter is back in a big way as a cheap flyer that everyone loves with good reason.
We round out this batch of Dominaria Remastered Artifact spoilers with some of Urza’s finest works. Both his Blueprint and Incubator are here to make your day that much easier.
Dominaria Remastered releases January 2023!