MTG: Dominaria Remastered Red Spoilers – Bring On The Burn

In this batch of Dominaria Remastered Red spoilers, we get a look at some of the best burn in the business. Check ’em out!
When it comes to dealing damage, Red is where it’s at. There’s just something satisfying about applying cards directly where they’re needed to go. Whether that’s fire, lightning, or in some cases sacrificed zombies, Red burns. And it’s extremely fun to play.
Which is why the latest batch of Dominaria Remastered Red spoilers were so exciting for us. It’s Red doing what Red does best, but with some old favorites back in the mix. Take a look!
Dominaria Remastered – Red Spoilers
Do you like burn? Because there’s burn right out of the gate. Chain Lightning, Deadapult, not to mention the deluge of dragons. Because it’s red, so of course there are dragons. And goblins too.
So many goblins. You can Empty the Warrens, or enlist the aid of a Goblin Matron or Gempalm Incinerator, who epitomizes the height of goblin power and recklessness. The more goblins, the better.
And if you want to come storming onto the scene? Grapeshot has you covered with an echoing avalanche of 1 damage. Which can be very helpful if you’re casting a spell like Last Chance, which lets you take another turn at the risk of the whole game.
And with cards like Overmaster in your deck to ensure you get to cast what you need (despite Blue’s favorite ploy) you can set up a number of combos. Or you can just rely on classics like the Shivan Dragon to get the job done, soaring in for lethal damage because your mountains were all untapped.
The rest of Red’s toolkit is expertly situated to dole out the damage. And among the stars of the show is the legendary Worldgorger Dragon.
Dominaria Remastered releases January 13th 2023