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‘Star Wars: Andor’ Season 2 – Will We Meet These Five Characters?

4 Minute Read
Dec 2 2022

Some well-known faces might be coming in season 2 of Andor. 

Andor season 1 has wrapped up. The show blew expectations out of the water and stands as the best live-action Star Wars in years, if not decades. It was absolutely amazing. The show brought together a host of brand-new characters, with some other well-established ones to tell a compelling story. Now we’ve sadly got to wait a while for Andor Season 2 to come out. That does however give us some time to speculate on what, and who, it might deal with.

K-2SO Will Almost Certainly be a Character in Andor Season 2

While I haven’t seen it confirmed, we can pretty much assume that K-2SO will show up in Season 2. In Rogue One, K2 is Andor’s droid partner and a stand-out character. By the time of the movie, it’s clear they’ve worked together for a while already. Since Andor Season 2 is going to lead directly up to Rogue One, it’s pretty much got to include K2 at some point. We’ve already got some hints about him, with his model of droid showing up, as well as Andor’s kindness towards droids, in general, being shown.

Bail Organa, Senator and Rebel

Bail Organa is one of those characters you really feel should show in Andor. He is a close friend and ally of Mon Mothma and a founder of the Rebellion. He is also a member of the Imperial senate. Given that Mon is a major character and involved in senate politics it would make sense that Bail would show up, as he did in Rogue One. Given Jimmy Smits’  involvement in Kenobi we can assume he’s willing to do more Star Wars stuff.

Will the Emperor be a Character in Andor Season 2?

Considering that he is the senate it would make sense for the Emperor himself to make an appearance in Andor season 2. Now I think it would be a mistake for old Sheev to be a major character, the show does a great job of growing the universe. But having him show up to give a speech or something would make sense and be fun. We’ve never really gotten to see Sheev just rule as Emperor or how he presents himself to the people.

More Live Action Ahsoka

Ahsoka Tano is another character that seems like they should show up in Andor, at least in passing. She was another major figure in the early Rebellion and had ties to Mon Mothma and Bail Organa. I’ve already mentioned I think some kind of Rebels/Andor crossover could happen. But even if we don’t get a full one it would be a little odd if we never see, or at least hear about Ahsoka. Even her code name of Fulcrum seems to take inspiration from Andor’s Axis.

Could We See Thrawn?

At first glance, the idea of Thrawn being in Andor Season 2 might seem a bit far-fetched. Unlike others on the list, he doesn’t have a direct connection to the show. However, he does actually have some tie-ins. In particular, his love of art and collecting rare things. It’s this kind of hobby you’d think might well lead him into a shop like Luthen’s… indeed Thrawn’s collection seems pretty similar. It could even be possible that Thrawn is the one who brings down Luthen, leading to his reputation as a Rebel hunter in Rebels.   


Let us know which characters you think will show up in Andor Season 2, down in the comments

Author: Abe Apfel
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